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Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?

The real tragedy here is the lack of a statement necklace.

We live and operate in the real world by not being exclusionary or accepting it from others. You’ve done that all your damn life so cut the shit.

That might have been what it was meant to say, but that isn’t what it said.

a combination of Winston Churchill and a shady New York drag queen

He’s a combination of Winston Churchill and a shady New York drag queen, which is the kind of leadership our world needs right now. He’s amazing.

He is the King of Dirty Looks. Can’t imagine where he gets it.

To everyone who’s commented:

They wrote this whole article without quoting or addressing her original comments at all. It allows her to weasel out of what she said by saying “ALL white people” is some kind of abstract concept with no relation to individuals. Are you kidding me?

Yeah, she doesn’t seem to grasp that once you do the “ALL” thing, your right to bitch about the backlash is forfeit. So sorry chica, thanks for playing.

I agree with the general sentiment of her cri de cœur: white supremacy is a vast, monolithic and pervasive source of inequality in the world today that needs to be dismantled. But words have meaning, and the words she chose, the hot fire she originally spit, made the backlash she received entirely predictable.

they don’t understand that when I say ‘white people’ I don’t mean them as a person.

I don’t give a shit. She went too far in the statement that got her ass fired and I’m glad it happened.

“Let’s hope Debra Tate - ravenously and irrationally committed to keeping Leslie in prison - has a change of heart and learns to forgive. And lets all hope Governor Brown allows the parole to stand.” 

What the hell did I just read? Are you high?

Since I was actually 18 at the time the murders were committed and 19-20 when the trial took place, yeah I remember it all very well. Were you even alive then?

I was one of two kids in my class in elementary school grade (year after year) who qualified for free/reduced. I had a special colored lunch ticket that I was humiliated by — so much so that I’d often opt to go without rather than flash that thing. So many kids would rather be hungry than embarrassed. I was one. I am

The people she killed didn’t get a chance to ‘live their lives’ and neither should she. This is her punishment. I don’t care how sorry she is.

Seriously, I didn’t realize they allowed kinja in state prisons.

She was 19; she was not a kid. Manson didn’t pick her that night to go along and kill Rosemary and Leno LaBianca. VanHouten went up to Manson and asked to go along. She wanted to commit those murders.