Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Yes, she has at the very minimum, just by glancing: concealer, eyeshadow, highlighter, contouring, her eyebrows are done, lipstick, eyeliner and mascara. It takes a lot of makeup to get that no makeup look.

I will gladly pay you on Tuesday for a punctuation class today.

Mm kay. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your extremely thin skin. Also maybe a nap? Picking fights with so many internet strangers has to give you the sleepies.

Good gravy people when are you going to stop looking for “magic weight loss” solutions. The only way to do it is to change your eating habits and exercise. The majority of weight loss is going to come from your eating habits, loss from exercise is going to level off at a certain point.

I’ve always wondered the same thing. I have no actual information or authority on this but I strongly suspect that they both would have undergone some testing...

Her mother fought cancer for a decade, so maybe she’s referring to that.

You can’t hear me, but I’m applauding your rant.

I would not be surprised if this one were an accident. I doubt very much the queen would let her end a pregnancy. HOW scandalous. (sigh :( )

it’s good at killing fruit flies.

Condoned? Queen Elizabeth has four children.

He just wants to get rid of everything was created by the black guy.

I can’t believe her fans were mad at her that she didn’t stop to pay attention to them in the middle of her best friend’s wedding. Like seriously people, does she have to be “on” at all times? Can she not just be there for her friend for a day - a day that is absolutely not about her.

Hey now, no matter how much money one has, the act of barfing up ones stomach is a great equalizer. From what it sounds like there’s not much relief regardless of her privilege. That’s like saying we can’t feel bad for a rich celebrity who has cancer because they can afford the best care. Everyone would get the best

If you’re worried about world population growth, better to focus on global investment in women’s education. That is proven to bring down birth rates drastically without anyone being a dick about other people’s reproductive choices.

Pfft, get over it Jolie. She is constantly playing the victim in the media in this divorce saga. Seems that once her people figured out that they couldn’t demonize Brad Pitt, they had to put her in the “poor, pitiful me” track. Blech, enough.

I strongly dislike Taylor Swift but I’m still a little surprised this is news. Taylor did the appropriate thing here- she was in a wedding- you can’t just walk away and go meet and greet fans when you’re in the middle of a wedding.

Booing at a (really famous) bridesmaid at a very private wedding is extremely bad form.

And what happened next?

I don’t know why people would trust him after he tried to ruin Christmas.