Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Huh, interesting take, since Kim is white.

Those gloves are opera length, for evening wear. Jackie would have worn short white gloves with that dress.

I mean, you do remember Kanye supporting and meeting with Trump, right?

Didn’t you get the memo? Taylor Swift can now be blamed for the following:

Is that same Kanye West that said he needed multiple showers to wash off Amber Rose before marrying KK? He truly is a persecuted soul.

I can understand Taylor not being on Kanye’s radar. He’s incredibly busy cutting holes in Hanes sweatshirts and being ignored by the fashion industry. If anyone understands being off radar, it’s Kanye.

Yes Kanye was just minding his own business and is a true victim. Try harder.

Good to know he can’t remember the woman whose naked body he put on display in a music video.

Her problem is, she still thinks like a rich white man.

She’s not wrong. Is Caitlyn that wed to tax cuts that she’s going to keep supporting a group that has made it clear that they don’t want her support?

He needed to do it so he could nominate him for Secretary of DHS. I jest but I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened.

You don’t have to go that far for it, just pop on over to The Root.

You’re asking this on Kinja, are you sure you really want to do this?


Baby McBabyface?


My husband and I were referred to as “a young couple” the other day and I’m 42, he’s 43. Sooooooooo... ? Also, Charles was never young. He was 35 from birth.

the circle is complete.

Well, you do know her, carnally at least. And it wasn’t a cautionary tale so much as a #humblebrag.

As I confessed elsewhere, I loved her dress back then, and I still love it, though it is hopelessly dated now. My own wedding dress some 8 years later had a bow at the back (per Sarah Ferguson) and floofy elbow-length sleeves. The marriage was obviously doomed.