Πες τα χρυσόστομε

I assure you Luann voted for Donald Trump, the poor person’s idea of what a rich man should be. Luann is nouveau-riche from Berlin Connecticut. She wore the Countess title around long after it’s expiration date. She’s nothing more then Luann Nadeau, LPN from Berlin Connecticut. I doubt she’s strayed far from her

Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to

Also, “he’s jumped straight to open relationship, which he feels will take pressure off of me” feels like some pretty rank gaslighting. Sounds like in about a year MVP is going to realize that her wonderful boyfriend was kiiiiiiiiiiiiind of a massive asshat.

Who cares about snooty sister or polyamorous boyfriends?
Get that short-tempered, pathological liar out of your life, Letter One person.
Deluded people (particularly ones that get angry when you call them on it) are potentially dangerous people.
This is not some likeable tendency toward exaggeration, it’s full-blown

Dear MVP, dump your current boyfriend and enjoy your life.

Dear MVP,

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

You know what shakes me up? How you read the headline, dive in to the post, and the first question is not about the thing you were expecting to read based on the headline. They do that every time. I start reading, then, whoops different topic what is this??? I appreciate this column but this is my minor quibble.

I read this title as “ my boyfriend wants new pussy but still needs to split the rent cost”

I just read this lengthy ass blog post about a lawsuit stemming from a private Facebook mom group.

So you’re going to hold my crippled mother in a facility for the next five years? Because she’s been on Percocet for seven already for disabling osteoarthritis pain. She makes a 3 month prescription last for six so she’s not abusing it.

Of course not. They don’t see themselves as “working class” but as “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” who fully expect all that wealth to trickle down.

“...she does not receive compensation for products she mentions.”

What in gods name are you blathering about?

I just want to know..... why? Why the hell did he do this to her? What was his fucked up teasoning?

That is animal abuse by uncommonly prudish people. This requires Doris Day’s input:

She’s only been married to Mnuchin for two months and she’s laying claim to how much “we’ve” paid in taxes. Who are “we”? She and Mnuchin won’t even be filing a joint tax return for nearly a year (or more if they file an extension).

I was so mad that we spent alllllllll this time hearing about this house and watching it be constructed only to never actually see it finished on the show.

How about a civil war hero like Mary Elizabeth Bowser, who was a free black woman who was a spy for the union, posed as a slave and worked in Jefferson Davis’ household? She was a key figure because she shared confederate military plans/strategy with union military figures. Davis knew there was a leak/spy but never

the only confirmed attendee is LL Cool J