Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Welp, I suppose I should apologize. Months ago I read a Jez article about Jewish persecution, and I had been hoping for feedback from the Jez community about a sexist “Jewish Life” TV channel and if orthodox Judiaism was really like this. So I used that post to ask my question. I was called out for being insensitive.

 It’s Spring Time for Hitler in Ger... fuck

My neighbor is a 91 year old Hungarian Holocaust survivor. Despite the absolute intentional horror that was inflicted on him and his murdered family, he is kind, funny, smart and will hold your hand with tenderness when he speaks to you. The next words out of his mouth were something along the lines of “it’s

I’d like to see him have to tend it. Six towers, each 54 feet high - get the kid a box of rags, a ladder and some windex. He can get a close look at the 6 million tiny little numbers, each of which was an actual person who was murdered. Once a month for a year or two is a good start.

He should be forced to watch and write about documentaries of the Holocaust and other hate crimes, as well as do a considerable amount of community service in Jewish community centers and a Holocaust museum. Lastly, he should do at least one introduction presentation for the next person requiring this level of

I hope the bystanders were...let us say, enthusiastic in wrestling him to the ground.

He and his parents should have to pay for the entire installation to be replaced - and issue an apology. What scum are among us.

“Sign the walls of your labyrinth” is going to be my new euphemism for sex. That is amazing, lol.

“There were some...very high-profile people who are supposedly pro-life, who knew me and heard about what happened, and who didn’t reach out,” she said. “I thought it was very telling … You see these people saying, ‘Oh, we should reach out to women with unexpected pregnancies and let them know they’re not alone’—and

No sympathy! The bigoted AJ Delgado, who’s written for the Nazis at Breitbart, is being treated by her former friends the way she would have treated them if they were the ones who got pregnant by some guy married to someone else. She willingly aligned herself with the hypocritical family values crowd and now she’s

Despacito was a huge hit in the rest of the world by the time Justin Bieber heard it while on tour in Colombia. He saw how people went nuts for it and contacted Luis Fonsi about doing the remix. Bieber helped make it a hit in the United States by gentrifying the song: he made the song worse by a factor of infinity,

You reap what you sow. She is neither a child or a victim and I assume at some point in her life someone explained to her how unprotected sex works. I don’t wish ill will on her and don’t think she deserves to be blacklisted for her gross political views but hopefully this makes her rethink the company she keeps, as

I have a feeling if you asked Delgado which she’d prefer - $5 given to her directly, or guaranteed economic security for for all children of single mothers...she’d snatch the $5 out of your hand and run away as fast as she could in her seven inch spike heels.

Sorry, no sympathy here. I abide by the following mantra: if you associate with garbage, you’re also garbage. If you belong to a minority and associate with GOP garbage, you’re self-hating garbage. She’s only complaining because she isn’t aboard the gravy train.

Fuck this woman. You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

The way the GOP treats women is awful. I’m not really able to work up much sympathy for Delgado, though. Yes, she’s a single mother and America doesn’t do single mothers any favors (although I’ll bet she’s better positioned than most to handle it). I mean, she was sleeping with a married man, and although that makes

HAHAHAHA stop it. Get used to this tunnel. It is your home.

He sacrificed his marriage for this. And he’s going to have to explain to his child why he had dusty orange pubes in his mouth instead of being there for their birth.

What do you mean, joking? You think I’m funny? I’m funny-how, like I’m a clown? I amuse you? I make you laugh, I’m here to fuckin’ amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

How much have I had to drink? Has it blinded me as well as left me incapable of sensible choices and left me without a sense of smell? Am I currently on a pass from a psychiatric institution and mixing their meds with that sight and smell killing liquor? Do I really REALLY hate myself? I mean, like,