Πες τα χρυσόστομε

We don’t actually arm anything from the cockpit. The “pieces of metal” come out automatically during the door closing process. Typically the flight attendants close and arm the doors. Either way that door isn’t opening in flight.

I actually googled his father, and this guy isn’t coming from serious money. Nice small ranch house in Tampa area. His father is also a registered Republican. You can find out a lot about FL residents!

Gentle reminder: opening the airplane door in mid-air is impossible. There are pieces of metal inside the door that come out and lock into the plane itself when the door is armed, making the door bigger than the opening. The pilot has to arm and disarm it from the cockpit.

Oooh! I have a good “Do you know who I am” story.

Yep, was wondering when someone was going to post this.

The important thing that no one mentions is that no matter how meth’ed up he was, he would not have been able to open the door. (And after an hour flight time, they would have been at 30,000+ feet). You can read all about air pressure at http://www.askthepilot.com/questionanswers/exits/

(Author’s note: They have dessert wine on airplanes?)

Sounds like PCP, though that’s not exactly in vogue for someone with IV after their name.

I have girlfriend who’s a social worker. Apparently PCP is becoming popular again and is, of course, stronger than it was back in the 90s.

Any chance he did some drugs in the bathroom? I bet he did. I am very smart, FYI.

Really looking forward to all the people who called her a killer in the last thread rushing in here to fall on their swords. One thing you can count on, it’s internet people who were motivated ONLY by their concern for traffic safety issuing heartfelt mea culpas and vowing to learn from their mistakes.

I mean it is still a joke, just at the expense of a dead person.

Hmmmm why would the police claim Venus Williams was at fault before they had even reviewed all the evidence...hmmm I wonder.

But they didn’t enter it lawfully. In most states, after a light changes green, the intersection has to be clear of traffic before it can be legally entered.

I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?

Really? I grew up in Florida and always said there was something very strange about all the weirdness well before ‘Florida Man’ became a thing. Just in Alachua county, arguably one of the more normal places in northern Florida, I remember getting updates about new victims of our local serial killer turning up during

She is so sheltered to be unaware that lots of people try to eat their feelings away.


So my mom died two weeks ago and I have to say, eating a whole pie is not a unique or unusual showing of grief. Maybe like twelve pies, but not just one.

Somebody should tell her that there are all kinds of savory pies, too. Not having a sweet tooth and being nerdy are terrible explanations for why you would never eat a pie.