Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Maybe, or maybe they don’t want to be embarrassed that she was summarily executed as an American spy, and figure the whole dark episode is better ignored.

This is one of my favorite moments in popular culture history. I am a “chicken or tuna” evangelist and will force anyone I know who hasn’t seen it to sit down and watch it. Nick’s double-take is perfection. You can virtually see his life flashing before his eyes.

Smoked tuna chicken.

We all laughed at Jess’s “Is this tuna or is this chicken” question, and went “HAHA- WHAT A DUMMY!” But she allowed he name to be slapped on a bunch of low-end shoes and dresses and she’s now worth $150 million so I guess we’re all the dummies.

It...it...doesn’t even make any sense!

Thats the real rub, isnt it? Forcing poor kids into military service.

So if you can’t afford college without a job, and you can’t get a job because there aren’t enough entry level positions for every 18 year old in the city, they won’t give you a diploma and thus make it harder for you to get a job later on?

This seems like one of those ideas that someone pitched to the Mayor as a splashy policy that would generate a lot of “tough love” good publicity, but lord will it have massive amounts of unforeseen (or completely foreseeable from some peoples’ points of view) consequences. For instance; disabled children won’t get a

so to increase the graduation rate, they’ve decided to essentially make it harder to graduate

Well, that’s just stupid.

It’s not like that. Great Ormond Street Hospital has acted entirely appropriately. They concluded that his epileptic encephalopathy was such that his brain damage was severe and irreversible, and that the experimental treatment in the US was potentially painful but incapable of achieving anything positive for him. The

Of course they don’t want their baby to die, that why sometimes the medical team have to say “this is what is best, nothing more can be done.”. He is not their property. He is a baby with rights of his own. He has a right to live and die in dignity. The decision shouldn’t be theirs. I hope they can make their

A million to one that Trump (appears) to give a damn because they are white and photogenic. I’d love to see his reaction if the couple were brown or undocumented or refugees. Yeah, there’d probably be crickets. And also fuck him for ALL OF THIS considering his shitty healthcare bill will doom thousands of people to

It is desperately sad for his parents and it isn’t something anyone should have to go through. But.... they have fought Great Ormand Street tooth and nail on what is best for their child. Not them, but their son. Their (frankly bonkers “Charlie’s Army”) have threatened hospital staff, threatened to storm the

Bingo. There’s no chance for a meaningful recovery and the child is in pain and will continue to be in pain. The parents’ decision is about what’s best for them, not the child. Which is why there are boards for advocating for the patient in the UK.

I agree completely. It’s hard. Terribly hard...but if your body can’t keep you alive due to a terminal non curable or treatable disease, then you should not be alive.  

I read elsewhere that the experimental procedure the parents want (which has not even been tested in mice) would have zero chance to improve his brain function even in the most miraculous of best-case scenarios. This is Terry Schiavo all over again. The brain matter is irreparably damaged, full stop.

What pisses me off most about President Dipshit inserting himself in this story is that per his proposed healthcare reform, the children suffering like that here at home would be left to die while their parents are saddled with a copious amount of medical debt.

He’s got his Terry Schiavo. All the credit of caring without any real attempt at assisting. How exploitive.

I hate these stories. They’re impossibly difficult and cruelly unfair. But I’m still of the mind that if my child’s organs cannot function without a machine doing the work for them, this is not life.