Πες τα χρυσόστομε

As an antidote to all of these shows, I would like to recommend my new bingefest “Escape to the Country” on Netflix. It’s soooort of like House Hunters, but it is set in the British Isles, and it’s about people looking to move to the countryside. Favorite things “Oh... I don’t know about the granite, that takes a lot

Those people REALLY piss me off. I’m hoping a lot of that is just for entertainment purposes though. You’re living in Paris and you’re complaining about the small kitchen? We can switch places then!!

I can’t stand the annoying expats though who say that they want to be immersed in the culture and live like the locals and then bitch and moan about lack of US amenities (“This beautiful view of downtown upsets me because me balcony won’t fit my grill.” “Where’s my side-by-side refrigerator?!” “Separate rooms for

You don’t need a spouse, just a friend who for some reason you must consider/listen to his/her advice especially when it comes to style even though he/she will not be living with you! Its ok if you don’t like open floor plans, your friend just has to love open floor plans and you both need to take your hate/love for

Not corny in the least! My Mum passed away 33.5 years ago and I hug her everyday in my mind as well. In fact, this AM, as I was dressing, I felt that I needed her near me, so I slipped on her engagement ring. My Dad decided I should own it & I don’t wear it every day; mostly I do when I feel I need a little burst of

Joined ninja specially to comment on this after long-time lurking:

I wish; she’s been gone for 20 years now. But (at the risk of sounding corny as all hell) I hug her every day in my mind.

Guess we’re about to find out if the Cool Pope is really cool or not.

My neice is kind of a weird but funny kid, yesterday she saw a big ass spider and shouted “Give it the leathal injection in the electric chair then stab it in the face with a gun!”

The news channel my company insists on playing (CNBC maybe? I don’t know) showed some quotes earlier from people who got dismissed from the jury. One of them was the Wu Tang disrespect quote. My favorite was the person who said they wouldn’t be able to impartial unless it was about what jail he went to.

As a big gay poofterhead, it was a godsend eons ago for young still-not-quite-out-even-to-myself me when my mom bought my squeamish and easily-embarrassed sister an issue of Playgirl as a ‘joke’ xmas present. She just tossed it on a shelf and forgot about it. I did not. No, verily, I did not.

Yes, as through this world I’ve wandered
I’ve seen lots of funny men;
Some will rob you with a six-gun,
And some with a fountain pen.

He was born this way? As in a sociopath? Is that an accepted defense, nowadays?

“Cool story, bro” time:

Why would anyone want to see a flaccid dick? Flaccid ones just seem sad. Did they think erect ones were threatening?

and if it does, its probably a witch.

**Currently looking for an erect penis to see if it floats**


Me too. It was a nice break as I’m going through a shit time in my life. And Kathryn Hahn is everything

Actually straight-up adored Bad Moms, top to bottom. It was a high school party movie about grown-ass women! (Slinks out of the room in muttering shame)