Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Nope, you are not an old. I am an old, in my early 50's, and sack dressing is a fucking godsend. Nothing fits me well anymore anyway (just wait until your meticulously-maintained body gets a mind of its own), so I may as well be comfortable and I’m DELIGHTED that these are currently fashionable. I’m going to continue

Buy one pair of well fitting black pants that are light weight (do not buy 100% linen, too much upkeep) - then buy a bunch of tops that go with these pants - neutrals with a simple cut are your friend - white, beige, cream, black print

Another GTer got me (and plenty others) on board with the idea of switching to kaftans. Now that I work from home half the week, I am so looking forward to making my at-home non legging wardrobe totally Liz Taylor cosplay.

Check out eshakti.com. Natural fabrics, fitted to your measurements, with POCKETS.

You don’t have to be a girl to wear a kimono. Or a muumuu.

It took 61 years, but Burlap Couture is back in fashion.

I for one welcome this trend and own several sack dresses. What I like the most is that I’m dressing for myself and my own comfort, and DGAF what people think. I don’t care how hobo-esque they look, sack dresses are airy, light, comfy and I can sweat in peace.

Linen, cotton, and silk and where it is at in the summer. Fuck polyester.

Linen dresses are your best friend this time of year.

I have seen so many sack dresses this summer, already. I guess it is one way to announce to the world, “Fuck it, it is too hot, I give up.”

Here’s a tip, clothing manufacturers: if your “summer dress” is made out of 100% polyester then it is not, in fact, a summer dress. It’s a dress-shaped sauna. Ain’t no one got time for that.

Man, I miss that series.

Now playing

@ 1:20 Maggie Smith talks about being recognized almost entirely due to Downton Abbey - and she hates not being able to go out anymore incognito. She said she wants the movie to start with the Dowager’s funeral.

I have two middle schoolers and they LOVE Cheesecake Factory. The younger one asked for it for her birthday. They have wine so I was like sure munchkin, whatever you like.

Eh, I love their cheesecake. Some of their dishes are bland but for the most part I like the place. Judge away food snobs.

Important Relevant Abraham Lincoln Hotness Factoid: He once had a shirtless broadsword duel in a mud pit.

If you want more information on that, AND YOU SHOULD, here you go. Back when young Lincoln was a member of the state legislature of Illinois he was challenged to a duel by James Shields, a local lawyer. Apparently

But can you bring your doll?

Without Maggie Smith, why bother? And Maggie Smith (from recent interviews) is completely over Downton. Or, as the Dowager Countess would say...

Uncle Moe’s Fun Family Feedbag did it better.

Team Mary 100%. She has the best eyerolls, the best clothes, and her vagina is a literal assassin