Πες τα χρυσόστομε

It’s possible but much harder with the limits of the format. And if they did, and pulled it off, when does the ‘they didn’t address the plight of gay people’ or another valid marginalized peoples? Turtles all the way down...

> Intersectionality is cannabilism, because... its not their turn? Is that your logic?

I’m not sure the nature of your question. If you’re asking if I think that the cannibalism caused by this newfangled notion of “intersectionality,” is a problem, I would say that, yes - any system that begins to cannibalize cannot sustain itself.

What, that I’ve seen how people lose their minds over these issues repeatedly and can’t see an alternative that would appease the vocal minority makes me unimaginative?

Another article on Jez yesterday brought up that the creator of “The Keepers” doc on Netflix didn’t bring up Baltimore’s history of racism.

So the “biggest” problem in a story that shows women being treated like absolute shit with no rights whatsoever is that women of color aren’t show as being treated in an even shitter manner?

Yes, but, does it dilute the focus of the show? So, for example, let’s say the women of the color are treated 10x worse. What does that end up doing to the perception of the Non-women of color? Are they lucky ones? Do we care less about them being treated poorly? Maybe the perception becomes that they are actually the

Agreed. If they’d stayed true to the book and had all the black characters banished to show the racism that Atwood described, they’d be accused of not having a diverse enough cast. If they cast color-blind (as they did here) they get accused of being insensitive to the intersectional nature of oppression that WOC

You do realize that not every issue has to be touched on in every program aired, right?

you do realize that such a show might be trying to do too much and not be as effective right? can’t people just enjoy a good show without looking for reasons to complain?

I agree, and I agree that it’s difficult to distinguish when those two things overlap. But I think the focus of the book was specifically about the ancient roots of female repression perpetuated by religious scripture. The use of religious scripture to enforce control over female bodies is one of the most ancient and

You can’t win. If you use race- or sex-blind casting, then you wind up with a racial mixture. And then you have to address that mixture. And that might distract from the story that you’re trying to tell. Handmaid’s Tale is about the oppression of women, not racial minorities. Not every piece of media has to tick every

Always someone whining about race. Mention race, you’re bad. Don’t mention it, you’re bad. Just admit it, you’re another hack writing made-to-provoke nonsense for some internet rag trying to push people towards Amazon affiliate links.

So... are you saying that this show is not racist enough?

And if they would have chosen the former, we would have an article about lack of diversity in media here on io9.

Except, of course, that the point of Atwood’s novel was to explore issues with sexism, not racism. Atwood dealt with that by perfunctorily writing POCs out of the story so it took place in monoculture. Had the show runners done that, people would be outraged about them failing to address the genocide issue, so they

So the show’s problem is that it treats its POC characters the same as its non-POC characters?.

They’re defensive bc their fame was up and they’re losing thousands of dollars in Instagram money.

I’m guessing the next step will be Olympios and Jackson settling their suits for undisclosed amounts.

Warner Brothers investigated Warner Brothers and found that nothing bad happened at a Warner Brothers job-site, clearing Warner Brothers of any wrongdoing.