Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Um...scuse me...it’s Cap’n Crunch.

Is everyone who tries to help going to be compared to Corbyn, though? As a party leader but not the PM or any kind of municipal leader, no one is going to assign blame to him. But because he’s the Mayor, Khan was heckled and yelled at from the time he first appeared on the scene. It didn’t look like anyone wanted hugs

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea last year at 51. Having the sleep apparatus has me waking up chipper and clearheaded after eight hours in bed/7 hours of sleep vs 9 hours in bed/4 hours sleep. I have lost 11 pounds, my cholesterol is down to a healthy level. It’s been a game changer. If you have a loved one who snores

I read that blog. It is enraging.

And he asked his brother ‘why did you leave me?’. Between that, and the woman who threw her baby out of a tenth storey window to be caught by a man below,I am in bits.

Has anyone read the blog of the Grenfell Action Committee? The tower has had awful electrical problems. They were having huge power surges. One day it was enough that everyone lost all of their appliances: computer, tv, fridge, stove, all of it. Things were smoking. They begged the local government for help. The

Nostalgia? I grew up during an era when admission to the original Disneyland was free and you paid for individual rides, so our extended family would go frequently to hang out on Main Street, climb the Swiss Family Robinson’s Treehouse or walk through Sleeping Beauty’s Castle.

Several royal family members insisted on going, even though their security teams advised them not to. Also, the first significant financial donation came from William, Catherine, and Harry. Theresa May announced the fund for victims a full 2 days later.

I was gonna say. In the article he says Orlando may have discouraged Evangelicals from visiting.

What’s the appeal of Disney to adults? Serious question? I know a lot of people who have honeymooned there or have no children and go there. Can someone explain this to me? Because the food is incredibly overpriced and not very good, and they don’t even have many good rides, especially what one would consider a thrill

Shut your whore mouth! Giant turkey legs at Disney are my spirit animal!

fewer people in my way at disney parks? good!

There was an interview on BBC with a Syrian refugee who thought he was escaping the fire with his brother only to find too late that his brother didn’t follow him. From what I can gather, they stayed on the phone until he died. That was fucking devastating to watch.

First I want to say how heartbreaking and scary as fuck this is. I can’t imagine being trapped (and also being told to stay in place as many people were) and being unable to escape.

I genuinely don’t see how Theresa May can hang on as PM for much longer. Her approval rating was already below Trump’s before this happened and at this point I don’t think there can be anyone left in the country who doesn’t loathe her.

I’m thinking the Queen has shown in a very shady and effective way exactly what she thinks of the new government.

Nah, fuck her. If Adele, Prince William and the Queen did it, so can the PM.

I hope everyone reads the piece in the Guardian by David Lammy, the MP for Tottenham. His wife was a friend of Khadija Saye and he makes a number of important points as to how this is corporate manslaughter and people need to be charged and held responsible for their actions.

One thing that I’m surprised wasn’t written about in here: in this cantata, coffee is presented as a very female addiction and something that drives women to hysterical praise of its virtues.

Garfield wrote a mini-opera about how much he hates Mondays.