Πες τα χρυσόστομε

It’s not victim-blaming. Otto made a tragic mistake that I’m sure he regretted for as long as he could. I don’t blame him for it - I’m sure many of us feel incredibly lucky to be alive after mistakes we made in college.

They blamed the Obama administration not realizing that NK had zero reason to let the kid go until they realized he was going to die in their custody and they didnt’ want that shit on their hands in the current bellicose environment, no matter how much Kim positions himself as not caring what the West thinks.

But... it’s not pot versus kettle, come on. All of those injustices in the US are real, and outrageous, and racist, and everything bad. But even so, please, the US is NOT in the same league as North Korea. I say this as a citizen of a country whose regime came close to that of NK and I just can’t let this comment

I posed this question and was accused of victim blaming. I don’t think the penalty for making bad travel choices should be death, so... not victim blaming. At the same time I honestly cannot understand why in the hell someone would want to go to North Korea. It seems like the opposite of fun.

I feel so bad for this kid and his parents. I really do. Having said that, why would anybody want to go to North Korea? Serious question.

I was thinking maybe they suffocated him or something - to cause the entire brain to sort of shut down without physical damage is so weird.

I can’t imagine the torture this kid went through - its horrible and the lowest form of sadness I can comprehend.

Most people can multitask, you know. Surely you don’t want every article you read on the internet to be a soulless list of dry facts?

Yeah, Jezebel has been remarkably silent about Trump administration policies. Crazy, eh?

Probably that he sounds like God.

Now playing

FALSE. I stand by the John Oliver version.

drugs kill us in more ways than OD and pretending otherwise is so nuts it makes me want to throw my computer against the wall.

Me wishing she didn’t die because of her addiction isn’t calling her a bad person BECAUSE she had an addiction.

she did not die because she used (and sometimes abused) drugs.

“I am not shocked that part of her health was affected by drugs,” he continued. “If you want to know what killed her, it’s all of it.”

I’m sorry Pamela but I can’t read this until you do me a favor and put something on those damn party hats

She probably has a word of the day calendar and she’s been dying to use that one

People I know with PhDs don’t even toss that phrase around.

Also, driving a boat with your dick, i.e. Tommy Lee.

Hm. Am I the only one not buying the fact that Pam Anderson  casually tosses about phrases like ‘Pyrrhic Victory’ in everyday conversation?

Arrange did not flee rape charges. He fled an extradition agreement between Sweden and the U.S.