
Hi, I’m an asthmatic and there’s a deadly virus spreading across the country. Air quality is a huge problem for me. Thanks for the consideration. 

We’re literally dying. 

I don’t understand why some people can’t be conscious of the environment AND a car enthusiast. California has strict emissions laws but there are still plenty of enthusiasts here. Cars that meet emissions standards are making 700hp from the factory. Do you need more power?

Feel free to fuck right off if this bothers you that much.

Good riddance! Enjoy your CEL & your car smelling like garbage for a 0.001% gain in HP.

Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.  


The author of this “comment” sounds like he had his balls stolen by a girl in a Prius. This read screams “I am a beta Male, hear my big truck!” Why the personal attacks instead of a poignant comment? Just makes you look like a douche, not me. 


Man, the lengths MAGAtards go in order to twist the left’s platform into cartoon caricature nonsense is astonishing. What color is the sky in your little world?

Sorry about the tiny pecker.

Can we have an unlike button like reddit? 

Haha his name is glockpointer. GLOCKPOINTER!! How many more substitutes for real masculinity do you think you’ll need before you gain a little self confidence?

Try breaking the Prozac in 1/2 tomorrow.

LOL, wut?

Just wait until this recession grows legs or someone farts in the middle east (Like Netanyahu annexing a populated portion of the west bank) and people can’t afford gas for their monstrous trucks/SUVs. then they’ll want small cars and sedans.

Blacked out lights.

Goodyear: “Your Honor, despite the fact that all the livestock have in fact left the barn, we would like to request that the barn door now be secured.”

Laura Bush killed a guy outright when she blew a stop sign. But her family had money so it was OK. Unless Texas isn’t redneck enough.

Unfortunately I’m from one of those redneck ass backward states. Where the ignorant vote their prejudices over their paychecks and then wonder what the fuck happened.