
Here's a quick question to AV Club's metal aficionados:
I didn't listen to metal for the longest time, but would like to get back to it. However I'm hopelessly lost when it comes to current bands (apart from Kvelertak and Uncle Acid, which are excellent). Any ideas on which current bands would scratch the same itch as

I did a quick whois and found two interesting things:

Just in case somebody cares about this kind of a stuff, for desktop visitors the font is too small (should probably be the good old 16px as is usually recommended) + the line height is way too high. Common recommendation for good readability is 1.4, here it's almost 2.

I love the wording on this statement.

There's something about this that's so black, it's like how much more
black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.

#10 clearly needs to be a sports movie. Can't think of a better director to helm one.

"It ends when Riggs throws a triangle choke on Joshua; I’m pretty sure
it’s the first time any movie character ever tried a hold like that."

I saw Sicario without knowing anything about it beforehand and I was completely blown away. It really was that good. In fact it was almost too good, as it had exactly zero compromises to make it more commercial - I have to respect everybody involved in doing a film that for sure they knew was going to be great but not

It doesn't help that some of the actors have porn-ready names: Chad Power, Crystle Lightning, Max Slade…

Being able to play pretty much any artist or song at any time is amazing to me.

One of the more bizarre things about is that it's so badly directed. At times it seems like the director is barely capable of pointing the camera to the right direction. While still an entertaining film, it could've been so much more awesome without Stallone's style of getting no-name directors he could boss around.

Pinkerton was released before the internet was a big thing. This had the funny side effect that in the small European country where I lived at the time nobody knew that Pinkerton was considered a terrible flop. Everybody loved it and it even won pretty much all the local "best album of the year" awards different rock

Hah, yeah, I noticed the same thing. On the other hand it underlined how bad ass John Wick was: there is nobody better than him, so there can't be a super intimidating opponent - this was emphasized nicely earlier in the film by Wick mostly having trouble dealing with the sheer number of enemies rather than any single

Nice to see John Wick getting mentioned. I love action films and in my opinion it's the best of the bunch of the last few years.

Like other people have gently suggested, you need to go full Statham. Some stubble is needed, otherwise you'll look like a cancer patient and get zero interest from the opposite sex. If you can also go to a gym every once in a while, ladies will practically swoon. (Source: life experience of last 20 years.)

I don't remember when "roguelike" became such a depressing word, but nowadays it seems that: Roguelike = We're not very good at level design, so decided to skip it - we hope you enjoy these endless generic levels.

Bloodsport is a much more entertaining film. The only remarkable / memorable thing about Kickboxer is its incredibly strong gay undertones. It's impossible to watch the film without expecting the "brothers" to start making sweet love any second.

Oh wow. I guess why pay for any actual writing when you can buy a Great Job Internet "article" for a couple of bucks and get the same page views.

"Which film am I doing right now? Ah, who cares, I'll do my squint and get on with it."

"so he could get the drop on them"