
There is no country in the western world that offers 100% free education and health care.”

Have to completely agree about the actors and the story. It was a real pleasure watching Daniel Craig with his performance that was somehow simultaneously way-larger-than-life (with the delightfully silly accent) and restrained enough to not take over the film. The story was great too, classic detective stories tend

I once heard a radio show where they interviewed one of Danzig’s former band members who said that Glenn has an excellent sense of humor.

The host had the same reaction everybody else did: “What, really?”

The band member clarified: “Well, a good sense of humor about everything except about himself.” This, of course,

Damn, if you had posted this earlier it would've resulted in a pretty awesome "italian beef" AVC meme!

You were always the greatest gimmick account.

Here's a question for all you film scholars: What film or tv show was the first one to have a character live the same situation over and over again? For sure it's a way older invention than Ground Hog Day.

Another one for the list: Punisher: War Zone got a D. It's an almost identical case where an awesome, violent film gets completely snubbed.

Random Ramones story:
Dee Dee wrote the song and then showed the two producers hired to record it how it went. After waiting around for a while (days) for Dee Dee to return to actually play the song one of the producers got fed up, picked up a bass and played the bass part. That bass track is heard on the final song,

Wouldn't the best bargain be the legendary/notorious Mrice e300?

Air Bud: Ultimate Barking Championship

I checked with my Microsoft Surface what bmoore4026 said. he said: So, this is the new Dome. Now, let's head on over to the underground fight club!

Out of context this recap really made the show seem completely off-the-wall insane (even the picture is like … whaaat), which is great.

I'm expecting/demanding that Tormund & Brienne get similar screen time for their eventual sex scene!

Ah Gimp, the software that answers the burning question "how would it feel like to use a 15 year old version of PhotoShop but with extra bugs?"

Thanks to having a toddler and an Xbox One* almost all my gaming is done on my phone.

I thought Lars did great on the new album. Studio trickery or not, he is the star of the album which features Metallica's best songs in decades (and, as always, a whole bunch of tracks that should've been left in the studio hard drive).

I live in Europe and the grocery store down the street carries locally-grown, grass-fed horse as burgers and steaks. "A bit dryer and stringier than beef" is a perfect description in my experience too.

Finland may have the most metal bands, but if the chart was just about bands Norway would win for sure. There's so many bands there (many of them very good btw) that I think it's a legal requirement for every citizen to be in at least four bands.

Well, this feature is about reposting, so why not take it to the next level and repost from your own site? Saves a lot of trouble too!

Wow, that second photo looks like the acting equivalent of Addicted To Love.