Dances with Kittens

I wonder why Bruce Jenner’s plastic surgery was an object of criticism and disdain, but Caitlyn Jenner’s seems to not be. I think the airbrushing has a lot of people confused. This can't possibly be an unretouched photograph.

It’s been my experience that the most stunned people are also the people who assume all trans women are/look like men in bad drag. They are generally also of the mind that they can pick a trans woman out of a crowd with no problem. They are also generally on the dumb and/or conservative side.

I think you hit the nail on the head wrt passing. Which is all wonderfully tied into the “trap” bullshit. Pass just enough to be theoretically fuckable but detectable enough so no one gets “tricked.” So, in a startling new development: penises’ level of interest is all that matters

Agreed. The media has so many hours to fill with this story. With nothing to focus on except for the fashion spread, what can they talk about when it comes to Caitlyn? Not much, yet. She’s a reality show star who is an athlete that hasn’t done anything athletically news worthy in decades. There isn’t much there.

Once again Stewart is on point. All during the lead up to this the one thing i kept hearing over and over again was “Boy, he’s going to be an ugly woman.” As if the fact that she was finally going to be able to live how she was always meant to, that she was free of the burden of being in the wrong body. Nope, that

Here’s your 23.5% wage cut. Enjoy.

As a proud member of Menstrual Cup Club, I am obligated to follow the first rule of Menstrual Cup Club, which is you always talk about Menstrual Cup Club.

Team IUD.

No. Just no. Today was going so well!! Just...no.

4. What is best unsaid.

Sherman’s Infamous Scorched Earth March Through the South (Ossetian region) to the (Black) Sea

Yes, Bella had a very pro-life baby with Edward that nearly killed her and was super creepy. And yes, just like that. B & E were pretty pissed at first. The creepy ass baby grows in superspeed too.

And 7:17 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on May 25, 2015 was the exact moment I became permanently in favor of banning books. No one should be legally allowed to read that.

Mindy Kaling’s book was bad.

It’s much more likely that someone in your neighborhood is going to steal from you than a foreign government is going to break the encryption on your hard drive.

As a Christian I usually don’t like the Devil to win but this time

that is more reddit being stupid, which is why you have kids and people with the brains of kids doing it.

A broken clock is still right two times a day.

I don’t understand why anybody would use something that I don’t think I’d find useful. Aren’t the range of usage scenarios I can come up with in the time it takes to make a comment all the usage scenarios possible? Isn’t everyone exactly like me? Help! My imagination is being strangled by a solipsistic conception of

They’re feet for fucks sake, clean ones at that. Leave her alone.