Man, that bitch is cross-eyed
Man, that bitch is cross-eyed
Hell yes
@Arsenicberyllium: PCs will always look great, its always the consoles that worry me. I game only on them, and I hate seeing games have to short end some aspect.
Nicely done. I played that goddamn torturous hell of a game while deployed to pass time...I had no idea how sadistic an enemy could be.
the 360 version is lookin good.
@notonyourradar: Yes, yes you are.
Yeah, well, a quick trip to metacritic shows us how much it sucks:
I am going ot go back and read all the boohooing comments, but that shit was made of win. if you don't find that humorous, I am sorry for you, truly. I laughed my ass off. Why? Because the games they are goofing on are fucking silly.
Come on people, that was funny. It is stupid to hide under a barrel or a cardboard box, both of which you just happen to carry in Snake's bag of holding.
I bought my copy, really enjoy the game, and still I think that number is low. Really low. Most people were touting this as the break out, smash hit of the PS3, and the sales data simply is not there. The 1up guys, the Evil Avatar guys, and a few others were the only level headed 'journalists' who predicted low…
How's your douche bag hero now, Palladium?
epic fail
I have said it before and I will always say it: I refuse to give them 50-60 dollars for the damn game and then pay rent every month. Not at 15 dollars a month. 5? I would do five easily. PSN is free, LIVE is cheap, and Guild Wars is free...and popular. So, if they can do it, why not everyone else?
@Al3xandr0s: You got me waxing nostalgic for Thief and Hitman, so I went to the Gamestop page to see what they were running for used. Hitman new is 20 and Hitman used is 30....wait, wh-?
Racing games like GT, Forza, PG...any game not Burnout. I cannot stand to play racing games.
@RonCey: Because he is? He decided to provide you with DLC before the damn game has even launched. That is bullshit. If you could make it prior to, then put it on the god damned disc. DLC is to extend the life of the game, not screw folks around.
Billy Mitchel is a douche and a bitch. He and his little band of worshipers set a very poor example of what it means to be involved in something like a so-called professional gaming league.
Holy crap, it looks like a ton of fun! SEGA is making Too Human!!! No idea. Wait, what?
Bwaha...she fucked him up with the Rock Band mention. Nice.