God, I have issues. I first read the headline as "Vecnetica: Become the Daughter of Death.
God, I have issues. I first read the headline as "Vecnetica: Become the Daughter of Death.
More expensive, the drum machine looks ridiculous, and with no vocals? Suckers.
I didn't know you could spell bomb with an 'H'.
Maybe they played the demo of Robert Ludlum's Bourne Conspiracy and went, oh shit, they made Conviction before we did!
@Foxstar Sixtail: Very true, very true. SEGA did make quite the ass of itself, but the DC was such a machine! It was and still is in some ways.
Courtesy of American Psycho:
Thanks to you guys who answered my PC res question. I never understood just how the PC design differed from the consoles, in regards to res.
@EnigmaNemesis: Can we jack this thread? There is just something about R:FoM that grabbed me. I hope you enjoy it as well.
Haze is pretty bland at any rate. I am glad the PS3 has another shooter, but it needs R2 and KZ2.
Come on man...the Dreamcast was an incredible machine that lost out thanks to the Sony PR machine. Now it lives on in a 360 shell.
@UFO: Seriously, how do the resolutions on a PC work out? At what res are the games coded? They cannot be coded at a single res, as not everyone has that one, high res available. So, how does this work out?
@dionion: well played, well played indeed.
Ah, those were some fun missions in GTA:SA. I remember when you get to hear Ice-T's character on the radio talking shit.
@Llost: By the time the PS3 begins to pull far ahead of the 360, the 720 will be out or about to be released and Sony will face a tough decision (10 year life cycle). I think this gen is a bit fuckered up, and I am not sure if they can ever pull out of it.
@Komrade_Kayce: I am right there with you. I purchased my PS3 in Feb 08 because up until that point (give or take some weeks) Sony was busy bullshitting everyone, including themselves about the mystical powers they held...just like they did with the PS2. I waited for that cocky Sony hubris to die down, because I was…
@Pinhead: but the question is still why can they not knock HD res out? Given the machines, there seems to be no excuse for neither company really delivering on their huge, boastful promises of True HD Next-Gen gaming.
The list for those who may have not seen it:
Very few games actually run in any HD res, so why bother getting worked up over this?
@Nintendohater: Amen to that! I have no idea how they would deal with two sticks, four face buttons, a d-pad, and four shoulder buttons of the Xbox 360. Now, with the PS3's unique control setup of two sticks, four face...wait, wait...
@wonder6oy: "To be more enjoyable than it was. Is that a crime here?"