
Sounds to me like he was asking for it.


If an oil company tycoon is our only hope we might as well just kill ourselves now.

Alabama shows it has a tiny amount of basic human decency left by not electing a child molester to the Sentate by the thinnest of margins.

That’s a great Women’s Studies 101 observation there, but the movie explicitly frames everything outside of Paradise Island as “man’s world.” Diana and the film itself are interested in gender themes from the opening scenes, and the fact that outside of Trevor, everyone’s kind of a misogynist dick to her just

You guys do know I’m right here, right? Hi!

But it always starts out as a joke, doesn’t it?

that is vile slander towards cunts and i shall not stand for it

just wait. it gets worse.

I do have real moisturizer, which, like my conditioner, is a remnant of an ex-girlfriend who used it religiously and would not go a night without it. I tried using it to masturbate once, obviously, but I would not recommend it: