
Oh don’t forget The Black Company series by Glen Cook!

Should check out The Black Company series by Glen Cook and/or

I wish I could get into fortnite, cause it’s looks like a lot of fun. But the slow pace etc of PUBG is what keeps me coming back. Getting an adrenaline rush over a chicken dinner is great=)

... As per usual, it was left to the Marines to deal with the real shit jobs :3

So do you want em to smoke or play a phone game that cuts down on their smoking? Do you have a solution to the issue you are worried about?

“violence is not the answer”... well I don’t want to be that guy, but I mean, did he stop?

Wouldn’t “Cucks & Covfefe” be a little more appropriate?

Reading this I literally laughed out loud =) really fun read, nice work.

Give it a shot, but stay out of nullsec for awhile. The huge fleet fights are interesting, but they play out so slow because of the size of the battles.

Ugh. Goons are cancer.

The amount of salt in this thread is amazing. Great article :3 8/10 trolling lol. The doc said it’s good, but it’s not good enough for people who are not docs.

Hmm, seems to me like it’s just a smoke screen for the ACA repeal. The repeal isn’t working like they thought, so do something that the GOP base will like, will also further the GOP agenda, and cause a huge controversy in the media. Which would potentially mean more air time dedicated to this instead of, say, senators

So he finally learned to button his jacket when he walks... will wonders never cease.