
FYI the standard version of the book can be preordered from Amazon for $40 - from what I can tell you only give up the limited edition numbering and special slipcase.

“completely fabricated events that never happened” is a weird thing to get mad about. You are aware the original game wasn’t a documentary, right? 

There has been a huge amount of difference between the Beta, Early Access, and now the Launch version of the game, and I expect BioWare to keep iterating on it.

Snake on me

Unfortunately, a lot of people just didn’t experience it because they thought the Pandaren was a silly idea to focus an expansion on. I was actually one of them! I didn’t need WoW to be 100 percent serious, but the Pandaren started as a silly easter egg.

I actually really loved the game and how different it was from most everything else coming out at the time. Different strokes..

The story isn’t as good as PST’s but I still found it more compelling than 99% of videogame stories. I really love the setting and lore of Torment and I thought the backstory of the Changing One was really interesting. I think the fact that the story was less about you and more about everyone around you turned off a

I don’t know what I just watched, but the music and her voice made me very relaxed. It’s like I don’t have to use Pzizz anymore.

I want those LED kaomoji headlights to be real :(!

Should’ve been called Two Worlds II Furious.

dude you have an anarchy logo for your icon. what are you, 14?

Apparently theres an English-language Asian release, so if all else fails, you could import that.

See, that would’ve been a smart design choice that would’ve greatly appealed to the fans.

I’m currently developing an anime action adventure game with mechs.

Durr, both?

I am a PC&Nintendo kind of guy because it’s the best fit, every other console is just restrictive PC at the moment and the amount of exclusives isn’t enough to lure me away from my PC. The WiiU is just unique enough for me to rationalize owning one.

Wait...we’re still talking about the first 10 minutes of Fallout 4 where you get the Power Armor and basically just beat the game? Because honestly while its fun, it’s the worst Fallout since Fallout Tactics. They cut too much “Fallout” and left an “RPG-ish” Shooter in the Fallout universe.

so you would nominate fallout 4 despite them cutting out any semblence of a true RPG?