
It takes me 4.90 seconds to lose interest and give up.

Meanwhile, on the other side of things, I have to grade a stack of English papers before I get back to Divinity or even think about putting Tomb Raider on the backlog. No rest for the wicked.

You sound like the Fox News anchor who couldn’t understand how a Muslim man could be an expert on Christianity.

None of this is valid as there are no citations.

I dunno, they seem a little stiff...
AC’s got nothing on good ol’ Yakuza

A genre coward, huh. I’ll have to use that phrase on someone

It really does look like gateway to heaven, since you have to go through coffin first.

You’re right about the dungeons being lame, that’s for sure.

Agree on the story in the core game. It was horrible. What’s really sad is how much effort they put into it. A few of the people on board directing that effort have a Ph. D in Literature & Myth, yet the story still was horribly put together with some of the worst dialog I’ve read in a game. They nixed the hearts in

That’s OK. We don’t need any Koshelkins in here, stinking up the place.



This is my list I know for a fact I won’t be able to buy all the ones I want... like Fallout 4, Disgaea V, Trails of Cold Steel, Beyond Earth DLC, Tales of Zesteria, and Lost Song... oh and Persona 5 if they meet there 2015 promise.

It’s when you play a 2000-point game and spend a half an hour unpacking your minis, to their seven minutes. It’s when you set up divisions of poorly-geared soldiers as a wall to keep back the enemy while your artillery pounds them. It’s rolling fistfuls of dice, hoping that a few lasgun shots make it through. It’s the

Drive us closer, he wants to hit us with his sword.

I believe wasteland 2 was able to scratch the itch for an isometric fallout game.

It’s a ginger not surprising.

I’ve played TSW and I keep trying to get back into it every now and again but there’s just something off putting about the game. I find it legitimately hard to play, especially since you’re really kind of just thrown in. You screw up your build by experimenting and you’re pretty much well boned