It’s not only more impressive, it’s also more useful.
It’s not only more impressive, it’s also more useful.
Considering your comment I doubt you’re as mature as me.
There are random card effects in Hearthstone?
To be honest, I’m ok with the current situation. I can ignore the mobile crap and PC shovelware bullshit easily if we keep getting stuff like Vermintide and Mordheim. Dawn of War 2 was the only decent W40k game for about 6 years but this changed, fortunately. Upcoming Battlefleet Gothica, Eternal Crusade and Total…
I’ll get it when all episodes are out. On a sale.
It looks neat but I hate combat systems which are cheapened by lightning fast dodges and sidesteps. Couldn’t developers just make them a tad more unreliable and harder to pull off? Same goes for parry shroud... press X to block all incoming attacks. So cheap.
Finish Divinity then proceed with PoE?
“Sunless Sea meets Majora’s Mask in a living city.”
Usually I’m not into stuff like this... but I need one of those FF IX plushies. Anyone got a link where they will be available?
Point in case: Most pirats wouldn’t buy it anyway. Either they got no money or they’d prefer to spend their money elsewhere. Not every pirated copy is a lost sale and some pirates are of such consciousness that they actually buy the games they like afterwards.
One of the few games I finished in one go, i.e. without playing anything between sessions.
I need to check if they released an OST(or an artbook but this is even more doubtful) in Japan for this. The title melody was remade wonderfully. I’m feeling like a child again when I hear this; in a very positive sense.
Oh nice, I never got around to play it and Flying Wild Hog is damn good studio. Their Shadow Warrior Reboot was A+.
Mobile gaming is were the money is at. Especially in JP.
Pretty sure I’m gonna do that. Thanks for the hint. 1 million imaginary upvotes for you, sir.
I now officially hate Square Enix. Why did they cut the Vita version? Stupid fucks.
Can you imagine the smell this house would emanate after few days in the sun? Hahaha
I’m glad it took me so long to get it. <.<
When you see that face, you know you’re doomed.