And this shows how loud a vocal minority can be on the internet. Steam has millions of users, out of that 34,000 were affected and yet this news hit all major gaming sites as breaking news.
And this shows how loud a vocal minority can be on the internet. Steam has millions of users, out of that 34,000 were affected and yet this news hit all major gaming sites as breaking news.
It’s Dragonfall +1. If you did like Dragonfall you will cherish Hong Kong even more.
This is exciting news! The huge influx of survival sandboxes on Steam(thx Dayz) always failed to excite but there’s an actual game here on top of the survival mechanics so ... <.< it might actually work out.
Hyperbole nerdkid is hyperbolizing.
People here do a double job. Most of our designers can program, even if the bulk of the work lies with the engineers. There is no one just caring for narrative design. We’re too small for that.
You’re still a weirdo, the sole mention of Fallout 4 doesn’t save you. <.<
Uh, I don’t get your aggressive response. I wanted to give some advice.
I guess you got stuff like C++(for PC games), networks, databases and artifical intelligence already covered? Best start is getting really apt in C++, then going over to a specialization like networks, databases or 3D programming.
I take a mature women with developed secondary sexual characteristics over what you’re suggesting any day, mate.
That’s some damn high praise. Suikoden meets Persona.
No need for past tense here.
Eh, the most beautiful SNES games had 2D sprites and this game wouldn’t have changed it. Although it’s amazing from a technical perspective, it lacks the charm of the old 2D platformers.
Durr, both?
Yep. Absolutely.
You didn’t play Black Desert if you trying to call it groundbreaking.
A bunch of 40yr old virgins? Yep, on point.
The game only has a couple of months more to live. Enjoy it while it lasts. This will go the same way like Evolve.
Welcome to the future of gaming!
“[DLC] can be crucial to the ongoing funding of big game studios.”
Elite: Dangerous expansions are like season passes. Planetary Landing is just the start of updates, more will come over the course of the next year.