
true enough. ps+ has additional value. I'd still prefer to opt out of it without losing my ability to go online.

Poor Console Users forced into the PS+/XB Live service fee if they want to go online. Honestly, I think it's a blatant rip-off.

Yes, of course they do. They don't have unlimited bandwidth in the end. If there are sales or big new releases your download is usually lower than standard but! there's almost no download provider which gives such large rates as Steam(Honorable mention: Origin provides the same service). Considering the hundred of

9.3mb was my top speed on a 100mbit connection(wireless) but mostly around 6-7mb~. I live close to one of the main european network nodes, though.

I first wondered about the high amount of Traffic in some small countries then I noticed. 3 PB to 800GB.. is oh well.

Well alot if you consider the price for that amount of bandwidth, lol.

Ok, ok.

Everything I 'have' to do loses its appeal to me. I also think this "Playstation Class" would bore me pretty quickly.

Oh the internet... how could you possibly complain about something which is intended to be a just for fun game mode. I think it's a great, original and fun idea from Riot. Srsly.... do I need to understand that?

Durr, uptight alarm! People hide in your houses!

Of what remained? You could make 10 films out of the Silmarillion proper. Children of Hurin another 4. Lots of opportunities still but considering the rather niche appeal of the Silmarillion I doubt it will happen.

Who cares about consoles?

Stopped buying CoD when they stopped supporting dedicated servers. =)

The Triads and the Kkangpae, of course.

These screens prove that the isometric perspective provides far more timeless art. Those screencaps look classy!

Citizens of Earth — 3DS, PS4, Vita, Wii U, PC

That's fucking beautiful.

I read till "two of your most retarded points" and stop bothering. Talk to the hand.

No one who knows what he does, updates his PSP firmware. :3

I still wonder what kind of stuff they were high on when they made Majora's Mask. Seriously.