
At least I didn't waste 3 whole paragraphs on some internet nobody, yes, no. Gotcha.

Unusual and backwards because I think the depiction of rape is offending? OK, got you Sherlock.

You got me with that line.. it kinda isn't. But I guess, personally, I won't get HM2.

Meta, yes? But appropriate? No.

Yes, it is. And I don't need explicit violence in my games either. It's also far easier to draw the line with over-the-top violence compared to sexual assault. There's been school shootings, yeah, but how many women are raped daily in their homes, on the streets, at their job? There's just no comparison. Japanese Rape

Now playing

Underrated game... if it had come out without the Syndicate tag it probably would have gotten more critical acclaim..Yes I was disappointed, too, and the budget for a Syndicate remake should have gone to the guys making Satellite Reign atm but I gave the game a fair chance. The multiplayer coop mode was fantastic and

There's rape in Hotline Miami 2? First time I think it's kinda ok when the Aussies ban a game... Rape is nothing to make fun off, because it's not fun and will never be. The developers who integrated this should take some time to read into crime against women and how a big percentage of women nowadays were/are victims

I always prefered the Fantasy Setting to 40k. Skaven, Imperials, Chaos, High/Dark/Wood Elves, Dwarves, Tilean Soldiers, Bretonians, Undead..... I bet Creative Assembly will have a loathsome DLC policy but my fan heart couldn't care less. Finally! I hope it won't take much longer and I hope it will come with good


But I do like cheese. There's nothing better than warm camembert and a glass of wine. All this cheese hate.. it disturbs me.

Brings back childhood memories... this was/is an amazing game!


We're both biased. You have alot of love for the 3DS libary, I have alot of love for the Vita library. You can't debate about taste. That never works. I don't see this as a debate.. or at least a debate where someone is "right" in the end. I just chime in my opinion so that it's heard. Both handhelds have their pros

Hmm, I have imports available where I get the 32gb for 61$ and the 64gb for 97$. I think 97$ is pretty steep but I think 61$ is a neglectible one-time investment.

To be honest I see the Vita as the more mature console and with the exception of Fire Emblem there isn't much on the 3DS which excites me, except maybe for the 3DS exclusive Zelda, which gets beaten at all levels by the Wii Zelda's. Yes, you can go along and tell me of all the great games on the 3DS but be assured, I

64$ for the 64gb card? Wow. I'd buy 2 of them.(Exaggeration for emphasis.)

I'd rather play FFIX a second time instead of most games on this list. Except for Fire Emblem I find them all pretty forgettable. Maybe I'm too old for a big part of the 3DS library.

But why? Why put all this time and manpower into exploring and not, say, amassing space dumptrucks of glittering space loot? Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to venture into space's cold nothing until there's nothing left to venture into, but du Verd made his case with the most passion:

Minimum Requirements are: an almost 4 year old cpu and a 3 year old gfx card.