This gaming setup is srs business.
Sure it did. That's my opinion. So many great games in that short lifespan. You want to argue about my opinion now? Get lost.
The thing deserved much more attention then it got. Any explanation this concole tanked? Besides the high production costs for Sega?
Before the Matrix, there was Shadowrun. Megacorporations and the Computer Crash of 2029 led to the global network. The Matrix is the internet's shadow, and the big corporations need someone to do their dirty work. Taking out the trash is hard, even in digital form.
You didn't really play it to the end, didn't you? I was satisfied with the story.
He greyed me out for that. A young female in a dress doing photos which soles purpose is to attract male attention through open display of skin. I think Luke didn't notice that most popular cosplay is just made for it's male audience.
He's a kid. He's allowed to be so naive to think his local police department could help with or give information about an allegedly criminal. Most kids are naive, even the kids which don't play many video games. People, grown people, have called 911 for more stupid reasons then him. You're overreacting and make…
How can you know when it's coming from me?
Ermahgerd, you're so right.
ermahgerd so witty comment
That would be a 5$ DLC on the consoles. You jelly console peasants?
Yes I do =)
omg you need to please watch 9 centimeter per seconds.. now
It's cute he's doing Let's Plays with his sons.
QUOTE | "I was so fed up of people telling us we should do free-to-fucking-play, in-app-fucking purchases, whatever the fuck that is, and that consoles were dead. So fuck all of those people and their fucking shitty stance." - Graeme Struthers of Devolver, talking about why he's happy to see next-gen consoles doing…
Huuuuge trollface.
If any of this strikes you as unusual, then you haven't played a free-to-play mobile game lately.