
Why so serious?

Video games love to glamorize warfare, but in Final Fantasy Tactics, war is real and unpleasant—if you look past the fact that it's conducted by magicians in funny hats. FFT is a game full of death, betrayal, and bad news for all—unless you are the player, in which case you will love the hell out of the game's elegant

schlepping? you use this colloquial german term in the colonies(the correct use of the verb would etwas rumschleppen- to carry something around)? that's funny and bizzare ^^

Microsoft Surface Pro - Endless Legend - I don't have to add much.. relaxing on my couch while controlling my fantasy empire. #1 gaming experience this year <3

And.... backed.

I think they will use the already existing engine, so the save system from Dragonfall will already be included.

Yeah, try to make their success small, to calm your fanboi mind. PS4 failed to deliver so far. And yeah, the only reason for me to get either a PS4 or a XB1 is FFXV.

With the current Steam Sale + your review... I had to get it...

Not enough comic relief to be the real earthworm jim. It's a slightly grim and gritty Earthworm Jim rather. Nice work anyway. :P

I see the Nazis of Wolfenstein as symbolic virtualisations for all we did wrong back then and not as the average german person who was thrown into a useless war. Under the second premise I wouldn't get any enjoyment out of it because the people often didnt know better or had no choice in it.

no its not odd. Je suis is more colloquial than je m'apelle.

Mordor is an interesting counterpoint to The Sims for me, because the two games are surprisingly similar despite being, at face value, completely different. But here's the thing about Mordor. Yes, it's exceedingly violent. And yes, all it really lets you do is kill things. But what I find so intriguing about its

Like many other shooter fans, I did not expect to like the new Wolfenstein. I wanted to dislike it, even. The thought of getting yet another Nazi-killing simulator just seemed offensively unimaginative. Couldn't shooters come up with something, anything else at this point? But then I played The New Order, and I fell

Not often being one for SRPGs, I am as surprised as anyone to find how much I enjoyed this game. A spinoff of the Neptunia series, Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart stars the anthropomorphic personification of the PlayStation 3 as she gathers an army of famous game series made flesh and sets out to save her

A side story to 2011’s To the Moon, A Bird Story does something that is nearly impossible sounding on the surface: tell an emotionally engaging story with only 16-bit graphics—and do so without a single written word. From the moment you press start in A Bird Story to the moment the credits roll, there is not even so

A bit of both. The farther we leave the last gen the better it will be for the current gen. ~.~

Hmm, looks promising.

Fighting Games is definitely a strong point of the Vita.

Also the PSP backlog and PS Classics, i never owned a PSP, so I was quite happy about the opportunity to play e.g. Tactics Ogre: Let us cling together, which is f*** fantastic. Incoming are also Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines, which looks very promising, and a new SaGa. There's more stuff which are more niche or not

Well... compare this, the remade as well as the original scene, with *anything* in Bioshock:Infinite. You just can't compare these 2 titles. Even the first Bioshock only takes the 2nd place. If I want to see a SS3? I honestly don't know. A modernized SS2 would probably enough. And we know what happens with reboots