
Things are better now; for you personally? How can it be that one half of the humanity struggles to live and buy the most basic things while the other half can live without worries. How is it fair that we get cheap oil, textiles and minerals while the workers responsible for it barely get enough to live. How is it

"I'd say nobody but Tyrion and Varys are truly capable of rational thought, fresh analysis, spontaneous wisdom, or abstract thinking."

I missed the scene where Korra sucked. Can you point me to it?

It's the amount of coverage not if there is any coverage at all.

Fighting over the internet is like special olympics.

That's a pretty early 90's interface. I think it's ok. Do you want alot of lavishly colored big buttons screaming at you "Click me!"? Minimalism ahoi but also regarding depth? Probably I should have become an accountant but I don't have a problem with that interface whatsoever.

Wii U: The World ends with you 2. Would also work great in combination with that Wii Pad Controller(dunno how it is called.). I'd probably order as soon as it is announced.

Depends on the publisher.

Stop hyping the game so much and let the team do their work first. It all sounds pretty cool but I don't want an half-assed release that cashes in on the hype.

I won't be able to help myself to squee like a little girl when I can finally play this. I might sound close to the little lad I was when I played Baldur's Gate... one of the few games I made multiple playthroughs and which I explored to 100%. I also loved cheating my party to godmode with insane attributes and

To be honest I find the thought of a Monster Hunter in the Final Fantasy World appealing. In the end it's the execution of the idea that counts.

Well just comparing the "Best games for X" articles on Kotaku the lineup for the X Box is indeed better at the moment. In the end there isn't much difference between the consoles, especially as much as some people want to make others believe. They are fairly close in price, power and in the end they will be also in

Is this some sort of feminine witch hunt?

Interesting, might be worthwhile. Reminds me more of Dragon's Dogma than Dragon Age nowadays, though.

I didn't see a single one. Plus E3 always was more of a console expo.

Didn't know this Game wasn't even released on PS4 and XB1. Looking forward to massive eye-candy.

"the new Assassin's Creed game will be on new platforms only, such as Xbox One."


Doesn't matter if it was never a TPS. What I saw in the trailers was much more appealing than this because of the fast-paced and dynamic combat. This looks like a pretty standard FPS. A letdown is a letdown. I should be to old to fall for Teaser Trailers, tho. My Bad.

Just another FPS? Where's the dynamic Third Person Shooter we saw in the trailers? A bit of a letdown for the moment.