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What would the Elder Scrolls be without Mods?

Insert happy ending? How is this guy able to watch Game of Thrones at all?

Please come to Europe pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Definitely turns out to be a great RPG. Could be Larians masterpiece and possibilities with an editor would be *endless*. Looking forward to the final release because I'm gonna hold back for a full playthrough until then. Definitely far from a disappointment, though.

I'd endorse a FFVI remake much more than a FFVII remake. It would be hard to recapture the 16b charm but I'd like to see a FFVI with current-gen graphics interpretation. Probably they could go use Ni No Kuni as some sort of example.

Thanks for the heads up. I'll make a gif out of it and post it on 4chan. Not.(That was so 90s...)

I think the opposite is true.

Well, let me rephrase. That the port has inferior graphics was to be expected, no surprise there and really no big deal. Borderlands is a big game with big maps. They had to make trade-offs to make it possible to run it on a Vita.

Did you expect that it looks like the PC or PS4 version? Did you expect that it controls like with a regular pad? You don't know what handheld gaming is about. Also the control scheme with the touch screens sounds pretty nifty.

Diligence, Inheritance or a whole shitload of luck.

Alpha, its in Alpha.. some games are barely playable in alpha state

I should have thought about that before posting. Queer in the sense of strange.

"It's unfortunate, but when there's this type of transaction, people come out of the woodwork with ridiculous and absurd claims," Oculus said in a statement to media. "We intend to vigorously defend Oculus and its investors to the fullest extent."

My monk is at 900k DPS and 3 million toughness. Buffed 1,1 million dps 5 million toughness. Torment 3 in good speed, Torment 4 slow but manageable.

You can and I only run stable builds but some mods which work fine singular, might clash and make your client unstable. The point wasn't that I can't run mods at all. Far from it.

To be honest that doesn't look close to Mirror's Edge. No offense to the developers, they are trying something really cool but they can't match the fluidity and the amazing layout of the environment of Mirror's Edge. Hover Games really fits, because that's what the characters appear to do, and I don't think that's a

"Next Gen" Graphics. Pic related. Why do I trust official trailers anymore? Horrible Textures, Low AA, Low Anisotropic filtering, low poly model, average light shading.

Because you aren't able to maintain a PC and because you have no clue how to troubleshoot software?

A small taste of said landscape porn, if you're interested: