
Do not fret, young believer. The masterrace is a benevolent one, and even though we are filled with pity for the poor console peasants, we (try) to treat them as equals. Ultimately the console peasant is our offspring and close in spirit to the masterrace.

Thanks alot. Didn't manage to get anything bigger than 320x200 from google search. This one fits nicely on my desktop.

Could you point me to a High Resolution Download of this? I want that as a wallpaper. Thanks in advance.

They should, because they are not only a threat when they have a gun in their hands.

Banning them just in one town doesn't help when people can just drive a few miles countryside and buy their guns there.

Try Shadow Warrior(from the makers of Serious Sam). The game turned out to be surprisingly fun.

Don't take things so serious, lad. It's only a joke.

I dunno 34 million dollar pales to the 29 million copies GTA V sold. 29 million times 40 dollars(price for star citizen base game) is roughly a billion dollars, so ~30 times the current funding of Star Citizen. What isn't included here is the people which invested more than 40 dollars into Star Citizen which I'd say,

They will look at our movies? Admiring the deep and profound message of "Transformers","Twilight" or "Avengers"? Video Games can be art and it is at least as much of an art form as movies or books. In the end a video game is often nothing else than an interactive movie.

So the modern media, advertisement and entertainment culture does in fact make us retarded. Fascinating! I never wanted to believe my mother when she told me watching too much TV makes you dumb.

Well 2 of the games are quite good, Retro City Rampage and Walking Dead(I played both on PC, but I dont think they are worse on the Vita). My library for Vita currently consists of AC3: Liberation, Gravity Rush, Soul Sacrifice, Blazblue, MvC3, Disgaea 3, Persona 4 and MGS HD Collection(besides some PS1+PSP classics).

Plus they seem to alot of fun to be around. Just the kind of person which should be Executive/Creative Lead of a company like Nintendo. Very likeable.

Does anyone know of what breed the black/brown cat duo directly over the one with the yen bills is?

It would be weird but definitely not racist?

My personal opinion is that the game itself is great. I'm absolutely adoring what they are trying to do. But.. I never had so many crashes, malfunctions and poor performance with a launch game since ages... I'd call myself pretty forgiving regarding such issues, knowing that some things only can grow in a

Titanfall will be so friggin awesome. Can't wait.

There's nothing speaking exclusively for one console other than your personal preferences. My last gen favourite was clearly the Wii. Why? Just because of Xenoblade Saga, The Last Story and Zelda. Technically speaking the PS4 might claim the crown by a small margin, even objectively speaking XB1 has the better launch

That's bold jounalism: Broadcasting from the studio right next to an exploded nuclear plant.

I have a similar rig(same CPU, GPU is a bit weaker) and no problems whatsoever. A bit at a loss what could be wrong on your side because I'm almost able to play D3 on my tablet. Solo Play is absolutely not dependant on latency so... maybe check all your drivers and sort out any background tasks which might be a

I could also say a deeply involving and wonderfully told tale about Love, Hate, Despair and everything else which makes us human. This started in FFX with something as simple as the introductory music and ended with a grand finale. Or I could use one word to describe it and get trolled by a random stranger.