
FFX the last emotional FF? Maybe that's what people miss about the series.

I like reading Chomsky if that answers your question.

Yeah, thought so. You actually think you're in the majority. If you were another Burnout would long be released/worked on.

Sucks to be part of a minority, doesn't it?

I'm sure as hell you want Fallout 4 :P

banking on investment *probably* leading to financial success


Nah, they just get money for releasing it a bit earlier on the PS4. Microsoft probably didn't care because they have the better exclusives so far.

Kotaku is heavily infiltrated with the PS4 hipster crowd. You can say the same for the bloggers/authors here.

That's a very fitting image for the sheepish Ps4 hipster crowd. ^^ Almost thought you are being sarcastic.

It's still better than 100% of the launch titles of the PS4, sorry.

I doubt the X1 will be a flop. It hasn't even launched yet anyway.

That cosplay is really great :o

Well you can't get to creative with Ryu. He's garment and attitude always were very simple.

Another turn-based RPG has just been released on Steam Early Access: The Dark Eye - Black Guards.

They are still on it. Was pushed back to next year. Can't wait.

Wait, there's something wrong here. Where are the hamsters?

Well, at least it has the better exclusives at launch and runs Battlefield 4 in a higher resolution. <:-)

Reminds me a bit of Soul Calibur's Nightmare, tbh.

Gamers want "choices with consequences"-> developers promise "choices with consequences"-> the results feel mostly arbitrary and bolted on. Conclusion?