Truly you are ignorant, offensive and insulting. You must be fun at parties.
Truly you are ignorant, offensive and insulting. You must be fun at parties.
As of now. I'll give them 10-20 years and they will have completely caught up. They are a studious folk.
So if it is about Valve it's the "mob" in "rage". For every other company it is "reasonable gamers" demanding their "rights"? God I hate hipsters.
The only console game I'm really sad that I missed it in the last generation. I know there are others which are good, too, but this is the only one which really intrigued me so much that I considered buying a Ps3 or Xbox. I never played it to this day and I doubt I will ever come around to do it. Thanks to FFXV a XB1…
The game is scary and a bit underrated. Scarier than most games out there. But this lad behaves like a pussy.
I think they need to sell more than 1 copy of this game to cover production costs. =/
Getting a good Linkshell is pretty essential, especially if you are no Tank. If you want to solo everything roll Paladin, so at least you won't have problem to find groups.
I'd rather shoot myself than maxxing out my gathering and crafting jobs. You can't be serious. It's true that many people rush through games and then complain about lacking content but the problems with FFXIV lie elsewhere, too. You can't expect everyone wants to do something as dull as crafting and gathering or even…
I don't know, I don't think people would like it when PS3 would get releases in PS2 quality. That has nothing to do with entitlement.
It will clock in at 4k on the PC. ^o^
The XB1 version looks definitely sharper. Logical PS4 fanboi response: They turned the contrast up to hide things. Yeah right. Thanks for the laugh. Don't believe the hype. Stay rational, lad.
Despite the spiky hair I didn't see a single haircut that is that horrendous? Dunno, there are far worse things you can do with your hair. And it isn't particularly nice to all the persons which became exposed like this over official channels.
With Titanfall and Ryse I'm honestly more excited for the XB1. Not sure if Titanfall is a launch title, though. In general the XB1 seems to have the better exlusives *as of now*.
Wait 3 months for a game I want to play that much? You must be crazy, good sir. =) I'll bite the bullet and get it right at release.
Oh them japanese. Black Uniform, a cap with an eagle likeness, red brassard and iron cross. They really do like the nazi ss uniform. It's really weird to me as a german. Same goes for Persona 3. I wonder if the germans would have been victorious with a squad of girls in mini-skirts and turqoise hair, though.
You don't know how I feel when I hear Ducktales "To the moon". The only PS1 game who has close to an effect is FFVII and it's intro. 8-bit ftw.
You were able to trade an Amiga 500 for a chipped Ps1? Lucky basterd.
Definitely. Totally lost it when I saw it.
Lads... I only wanted to help to bring our cold, cynical friend back on track by answering him with something cold and cynical. Why so serious.
Well then she should do this. Wish her good fun reading the transcripts. I'll enjoy it on my Vita.