
This is coming up $100 for me. Is there some kind of coupon or will I only see the saving at checkout?

This is coming up $100 for me. Is there some kind of coupon or will I only see the saving at checkout?

I watched a lot of videos, but the descriptions in Starting Strength were really helpful for me, and I came back to those while really nailing down my form... the I ended up more in the Juggernaut camp for most things. I’m proportioned very much like Chad Wesley Smith and I think I have similar natural strengths and

Yeah. I think most of his form advice is sub-optimal for most people, but also adequate for virtually everyone. I would recommend Stronglifts, but I find the material less compelling overall.

Yeah, there’s definitely more than one way to do it, as long as you can do it consistently, make it challenging, and have a system to progress to more and more difficult workouts.

Testimonial - I was about 145 pounds of doughy geek about 5 years ago when I picked up Starting Strength. Now I’m 185 pounds of surprisingly firm geek.

I was deadlifting 330# at a slightly doughy 165#, so I don’t have much trouble believing that lift is legit. But everything else is true.

XBoxen One X-en.

Now playing

But Sonic is the one who changed his name!

This is literally the best thing that has ever been posted on Kotaku.

I really need to play this game. Right. Now. Just to make ridiculous characters.

Another slightly different myth I’ve seen is that sports drinks/juice/soda/etc. only dehydrate you, and you should only drink water to hydrate. I was a chaperone on a high school trip and one of the other chaperone’s abided by this, and ended up in the hospital due to... dehydration. Apparently her electrolyte balance

You can only get one, and you can only get certain seats because it has to go up the middle, or possibly behind the passenger seat. There won’t be enough room for an adult to drive with a rear facing car seat behind their seat in anything but a full size “luxury” boat. Source - I’ve tried it in several cars and always

Team Nipples!

I’m kind of okay with that suit after I heard the explanation that they basically started with classical Greek sculptures for the form and musculature and then Batman-ified it. Like, I can see how the nipples might have made sense then. Which makes sense, because I’m totally on TEAM NIPPLES.

So I guess some kids will know, but then their parents will get arrested...

I second Torch. Your seatbelts are actually rated for more weight than the latch system, so the kids will actually be SAFER if you secure the safety seats with a lap belt.

The problem is modern child safety seat laws. Most states have laws that children under 2 need to be in a rear facing seat. You can MAYBE fit one rear facing seat in something like a Mustang, but definitely not two. So if you only have one kid, or you have some space between them, you can keep the fun car, but if you

I think a smart, contextual HUD is the future. If I’m free roaming an open space, turn all of it off, and maybe give me an unobtrusive indicator for an objective or waypoint and a compass. If I’m in a dense urban environment (especially in something like AC), overlay a small minimap on the compass to help me keep my

I’m in the exact same boat. It’s like, you’re going to need to pry my 5 year old plasma from my cold dead hands, or sell me hard on OLED (especially if it ever comes down under $1000...)

I’m in the exact same boat. It’s like, you’re going to need to pry my 5 year old plasma from my cold dead hands, or

I’m having a hard time remembering exactly, but I think that the first Destiny expansion launched in January after the main game was released. So it’s not too far off of what they’ve done historically.