
Maybe this drawing is actually really woke. Like, the minority brown corn pop is working hard so that the other lighter skinned majority corn pops can party. It’s a representation of the plight of immigrants and how the wealthy enjoy the fruits of the labor of poor minorities. ;)

I feel for you in the “that’s not even the right slur to use” department. I’ve gotten “sand n*****” before, but I’m Greek. I also get frisked at the airport. Every. Single. Time. Those might be related .

There’s a couple things:

I mean it’s mostly beside the point, I just didn’t interpret that “all” properly I guess.

I think Backpage is the only one that still allows it.

Or they don’t know that they have a latex allergy and they just need to try some non-latex alternatives. I know some people (both men and women) who hated using condoms until they discovered that they had a mild latex allergy and switched to something like Skyn and never had any problems with it again.

I unashamedly love Binary Domain. It’s a little sloppy and clunky at points, but it enthusiastically combines so many of my favorite things - weird sci-fi, cover shooters, a character affinity system...

Probably just to avoid confusion between Hel the place and Hel the person.

Honestly, I wasn’t going to use any of that crap anyway. None of those guns had better perks than what I’ve been rolling with currenty anyway. It’s all about the shaderz.

Yeah... I was maybe 14. Pulled it out of a a book donation bin. I had previously read Pet Cemetery and Needful Things. Actually, technically speaking, I pulled Christine out of the bin and someone else had grabbed Gerald’s Game and offered to trade and I accepted.

PS4. :( thanks though. My regular group had a guy who was willing to sherpa the last time we did it, but a couple guys wanted to try to do it blind first, so we wasted a bunch of time and all had to work the next day.

So I’m somewhere in the middle of all this. I’ve consistently had 5+ hours a week to play seriously, and another 1-2 hours using remote play on my Vita (usually while the kids are watching a movie or something). I’m hitting all of the endgame stuff, but it’s a bit of a challenge to have enough time to do it. Like I

I could be wrong, but I feel like in tight spaces, missed shots from Nameless Midnight still do splash damage. Am I crazy?

Given the nature of the linked article, the serendipity of one article being listed three times here is delicious.

“Mal.” Tell your party/fireteam members to call you “Mal.”

You can figure out a system. I have variations on a shape that move around the keyboard, and vary Caps for the letters and symbols for the numbers. I eventually retire each iteration, but sort of roll through the others. So if my shape was asd123 (it’s not), variation 1 might be Asd!23, and then it might move to

In my experience the first responders are actually the worst. They get away with it because the cops go easy on them.

Honestly, I didn’t grow up in OC Maryland, but I did grow up in an East coast shore resort town, and to my recollection all of the conventions that came in were assholes. The firemen would all get drunk, and they’d be setting off their sirens or blowing the air horn in hotel parking lots at 3 in the morning. The

How can you make a post about nipples without mentioning Nipples the Enchilada?!?!

The auto-reload is great - start with the weapon that will auto-reload, empty the clip, switch weapons, empty the clip, switch weapons, you have a full clip again. Empty it. You’ve now emptied 3 full clips without reloading once. You can still switch back, reload the other gun, and continue the cycle getting 2 full