I have a nearly identical story involving an imported ceramic white Dualshock 3 that has lasted forever, even now that it is primarily used by my kids. Must be some extra magic in that white plastic.
I have a nearly identical story involving an imported ceramic white Dualshock 3 that has lasted forever, even now that it is primarily used by my kids. Must be some extra magic in that white plastic.
Half-life 3 is never happening, right?
It was my understanding the the men who run Gilead are the ones who leave you hanging. ;)
How about Nier:Automata?
I think we know now.
Dude is 23 and has never been in a serious relationship. Give him a break.
Speaking of which, this statue is going to have back problems.
I think the real problem here is all of the prioritized boarding. By the time you’ve boarded business class, and priority boarding, and airline cardholders, and airline loyalty club members, and people who just paid extra money at the kiosk to improve their boarding status, you’re seating is already so screwed up it…
Anyone else catching some Empire Strikes Back story beats? Our main character is isolated training with the last Jedi master on a remote world. The Resistance appear to be flying speeders to repel an attack on a world with a hostile looking environment. Explosions inside the Resistance base reminiscent of the attack…
I imagine that “sexy model posing next to a Saturn” isn’t a very popular genre of photos.
Sort of, but not really. Any number of characters that, depending on your choices, may be your ally, enemy, or just dead can have an effect on a handful of larger outcomes. So there’s a subplot about an invading kingdoms and whatnot, and by the end, maybe there’s a stalemate, maybe the leader of one faction is dead or…
Sort of, but not really. Any number of characters that, depending on your choices, may be your ally, enemy, or just…
The sidequests are fantastic in Witcher 3. The characters and plotting for sidequests is sometimes at a level above that of an Elder Scrolls game’s main quest. :)
The sidequests are fantastic in Witcher 3. The characters and plotting for sidequests is sometimes at a level above…
I was literally bawling my eyes out watching this. I’ve genuinely loved a few cars that my family had (I’m looking at you 1987 VW Vanagon) or that I’ve had in the past (My, also 1987, Acura Integra...) and they’re all gone...
Actually you can. I fit 3 across in the back of my Jetta no problem. Baby seat, front facing car seat, booster seat. You just have to spend a little extra to get seats that are designed with space in mind, unlike the ones you find at Walmart or most larger retail stores that are designed to force you into purchasing…
Interesting. I had read another analysis (read it on my phone, and I can’t find the link again) that basically what is doing well are the original characters (Black Panther, Peter Parker as Spider-man), and what is not doing well is “legacy characters.” And that even where the legacy characters were performing well,…
I would always override them and then be sad when they get torn to shreds by a Ravager or something.
I think I’m in the minority here, but I don’t feel like most of the fights have had much tension or required much of the way of careful planning. My “strategy” has basically been:
Yeah, my exotics - especially armor -are pretty set in stone too. Obsidian Mind and Impossible Machines for my Warlock, Helm of Saint-14 for my Titan (I play him pretty much exclusively as Defender) and I keep Armamentarium around if I find myself being redundant as a Defender. So any exotic armor that comes through…
Honestly, my issue was the money. The money was a godsend for me personally at the time, as I had a mountain of unexpected expenses (I had purchased one preowned and drove it for 4 years - so it’s not like I had bought something I couldn’t afford...), so I took the money and spent about 1/3 of it on a new car and the…