
As an avid Destiny player, I can’t complain too much about that sort of thing. I’m used to “In some cases you can shoot the enemies on the transport ships, in other cases you can’t shoot the same enemies on the same transport ship.” or “You can’t hurt the boss until he’s fired his first round of missiles and the giant

I read something about a mechanic that uses your character model as a basis for family members that play into the story. What effect would making yourself look like some eldritch abomination give them the visage of a monster as well?

Honda Accord, Toyota Camry, Hyundai Sonata. The best part is, if you go back a few years, those cars are practically indistinguishable, so if someone looks at it, they’ll be like “Was that Camry parked out here before? No, it was an Accord...” but it’s actually the Hyundai.

Wait... You can choose whether or not you have your helmet on in social spaces?

Depends on what the perpetrator looks like and what religion he practiced. If he’s brown and Muslim, expect a Tweetstorm to the effect of “SEE THIS IS WHY I MADE A TRAVEL BAN! WE NEED MORE POWER FOR YOUR SAFETY!” If he’s white and right-wing, expect radio silence on all fronts.

I think there’s probably a burgeoning market for “nude photo security specialist” on the Hollywood scene right now. They can advise you on which apps to use to prevent select photos from syncing to your iCloud account, check all previous accounts connected to your phone for any photos that may have been uploaded, and

Previous editions of this have had everyone else offering fairly reasonable options while Torch has offered more of a joke, but clearly you guys flipped the script this week and had Torch provided the only sensible option.

Sneak around... ARROW TO THE EYE!

I haven’t died very much, but I have to admit that I’m treating this sort of like a Souls game, but with a generous ammo system, so I’m primarily kiting the more difficult enemies. However, I have not been killed by a Watcher despite engaging those with a little more reckless abandon.

What about Jaaaaag-u-arrr?

This also explains the recent decision to drop Vita, PS3, Smart TV, and other device support.

Spoiler thread for every Final Fantasy game since FFII!

“Chocobos are rideable.”
“Players can take potions to gain HP in battles.”
“Final boss has more than one form.”
“At least one party member briefly leaves the party.”

Lots of different understandings and even translations of what the Bible (particularly in the New Testament, because - greatly simplifying things - most evangelical Christians agree that the Old Testament law only applied to the nation of Israel at the time that the law was given) is talking about. And even taking the

The data syncs, so I think it will delete your Cloud data. However, in the original Nier, they had a similar trick and I just made a copy of the Saved Data before the playthrough where I knew I’d be asked to delete my data.

What I was really hoping for was that existing players would be able to import a character, and then die on the opening (super epic) mission against a seemingly impossible foe. New players would just start with a loaded up maxed out guardian. The original guardian would become something like a Saint-14 or Toland or

I think that medication, doping, natural T-levels, and a million other factors make for a very complex conversation. As someone who has competed recreationally in lifting (someone with naturally moderate to low testosterone levels, and absolutely terrible genetics for lifting heavy things) I can say that I was at a

I’ve competed in some local/regional drug tested lifting federations, and there’s no allowance for anything. Everyone pees in a cup and if anything is off, you’re out. As far as the Olympics, I’m familiar with some exemptions, but those aren’t for direct testosterone therapy or particularly potent prohormones. They’re

That’s not exactly accurate. The goal of the treatment in adolescents is to provide enough testosterone to cause the development of secondary characteristics of the sex that they are transitioning to (like facial hair for a trans-man). In order to do that, they generally need to elevate the levels beyond typical

Is the protagonist seeing herself? ;)

I hear you - I haven’t had nearly the range of experience you have, but I can imagine. I’m married, but we both work and I was the primary caregiver for the first 18 months (my wife decided to work part time now), and even in that little time, I felt like any time I had input on parenting discussions (primarily among