
This is Us is definitely emotional, but I think what makes it work is how aspirational the characters are, while still being flawed. Jack, for example, is always doing his best to be the best husband and father that he can be, but not in an annoying way. More in a “This is really hard, and I’m going to screw up

She’s actually an example of 2-3 things that previous administrations had made exceptions for - 1. She came over as a juvenile, combined with 2. She’s been here for most of her life, and 3. She has children who are US citizens. She’s like the undocumented immigrant with the most possible reasons to not deport.

So... that’s exactly what broke on my ‘87 Acura Integra - which had loads of rust - when I was doing about 85mph down the Garden State Parkway. Some rusted out piece on the front driver’s side finally gave up the ghost, the control arm had a glorious moment of freedom from having to follow any steering input, and I

Why does anyone else even bother when Torch is here?

I still use my PS3 pretty regularly as a budget games system. I have a son who’s just starting to develop some video game proficiency, so we’ve hit a lot of the LEGO back catalog, some of the indie and arcade games, and other things - even some games that had PS3 and PS4 versions, but were cheaper on the PS3.

“Pulse and coast” is a legitimate hyper-miling technique, but it does not involved “flooring it” at any point. It involves slow, deliberate acceleration to a target speed, and then allowing your car to decelerate to a speed that may be unsafely slow if you’re on the highway. There is no world in which “flooring it”

“Nobody is making money on this buyback”? Really? I got paid $21,000 for a 5 year old Jetta with 55,000 miles on it. I could go give myself a nice upgrade with that money, or at the very least get a similar car a couple years newer. If you don’t want to sell your car back, you can drive it until they have a fix ready,

Maybe, but I think it said that the guy is 6'8". Great Danes can get that tall, but the guy will probably still have the dog on weight.

I mean, I understand that the dog may be, compared to other dogs, bigger in the relative sense than the man is, compared to other men. But even full grown, the man will still likely be bigger than the dog.

The title is incorrect. That man is clearly bigger than that dog.

Started playing this with my 5 year old son this morning. This is a kid who will spend an hour running around a 100% complete New York City in Lego Avengers or just hang out in the Disney Infinity 3.0 Toy Box Hub and punch bad guys as they spawn. He’s also seen all of MMPR twice through, so he knows and loves the

I have some kind of disorder where I’m reading the title as if you’re addressing it to a bear, that is currently with you.

Why not a Jaaaaggggg?

I pretty much totally spoiled any tension in this fight by being level 40 when I hit it. It’s interesting, though, how much of a difference it makes to how you feel about Noctis’s competency as a fighter when you one-hit-kill-warp-strike mooks in story missions, versus what it looks like is going on in this video.

I’m reminded of an episode of Gilmore Girls where Emily and Richard are having a conversation about how if they buy a Bentley instead of the Rolls Royce everyone will think that they’re poor now, or something like that.

So, this ad campaign is speaking to me, because I’m in the middle of playing Final Fantasy XV - an RPG, more or less, about 4 friends taking an epic road trip in a big luxury car - and the game is inspiring me to go buy a big luxury car to take a road trip.

Sooooo glad I started skipping trailers for this about 2 years ago.

I have a medium-sized (loud, noisy, obnoxious) dog.
I have good visibility all around my house.
I always leave a light on.
I don’t have very much worth stealing.

I think he’s referencing the song in that, in the song, the movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s is something which can help unify the relationship. Not that the song Breakfast at Tiffany’s is something that can unify us.