He gets the biggest applause and then stutters out his line with all the energy of a 6th grader in an Abe Lincoln beard.
He gets the biggest applause and then stutters out his line with all the energy of a 6th grader in an Abe Lincoln beard.
Set it up so the accountants have a fishbowl backstage with the names of every person in the first four rows and we get a camera shot of them picking it all night. Then we get Darrell Hammond doing, “STEVEN SPIELBERG, COME ON DOWN! YOU’RE THE NEXT PRESENTER ON OSCAR NIGHT!”
I’d watch the hell out of that Oscar broadcast.
Great idea, and watch who they give the Foreign Film nominees (and less-familiar names). “You’re up, Warren and Faye!”
Organizers “don’t even have to tell them it’s happening, just put up the teleprompter, and go, ‘it’s your turn,’” Bullock said. “You’re an actor, figure it out.”
It could be worst, they could don their sheets, burn crosses and use their attack dogs!
You’re asking answers, man.
By the logic the AG is using, if there are any pictures of him with local police smiling at any function, he should recuse himself as well correct?
There’s one easy to way to confuse facial recognition software so it won’t recognize you-wear Juggalo facepaint, seriously that stuff actually works:https://news.avclub.com/apparently-the-best-way-to-dodge-facial-recognition-tec-1827321733
Yeah, it’s awfully suspicious how a politician and an activist just happen to be in the same place together.
Yeah, that is some fucking bullshit. How can they serve as officers if they aren’t even willing to wear the badge? How could the public count on any officer too afraid to be held accountable for their actions?
I can hardly wait until facial recognition software can be used by protesters on the po-po.
The Alabama AG can remove a local prosecutor and take over an investigation or prosecution under AL Code sec. 36-15-14 (2013). As commented above- standard fuckery.
They aren't trying to avoid controversy, they're trying to avoid having a cop prosecuted for killing a black man. And if it happens anyway they damn sure don't want it to be a black man that does it.
How is it even legal for cops to remove/cover their badges when on duty?! They are there for a reason! I’ve seen this before and I just don’t get it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to me to be the type of fuckery in which it isn’t ok to share ideals because it is unfair unless the shared ideal is the systematic racism that made other shared ideals unfair.
Does the AG have the power to remove the local DA from this case for a local crime?
This is the type of decision that gets made by wypipo, who always assume when talking about something to do with race, that Black people are biased and their asses are objective.
All the real conflicts of interest that regularly get ignored by law enforcement and they decide to suddenly swing 99% the other direction on this? That’s pretty dubious. But I don’t really see what political need is serviced by this. Surely it looks worse to toss him off for flimsy reason than to let a few likely…
So by this logic whoever ends up prosecuting (or not, most likely) this case can’t have had any contact with police officers or police unions.