
It’s not nonsense, so no. Not gonna stop talking about it. If you don’t wanna hear what I or others are saying you’re welcome to leave the thread. You don’t get to tell marginalized people what we can or cannot be pissed off about. You don’t get to tell us when we can and cannot speak about what affects us.

That’s still whitewashing. It’s not yellowface. Is that what you’re thinking?

I’m saying Swinton could have googled Dr. Strange and The Ancient One, and she would’ve known that the character was originally an Asian male. Then, from that, she could have made an informed decision to say “nah, not participating.”

Not necessarily. My point is that there are options, especially for a big budget franchise, and pretending like there aren’t is disingenuous.

If he and everyone else treats casting PoCs like some kind of racial carbon offset then yeah, it counts for nothing.

Derrickson whitewashed the role but she didn’t have to take it. At bare minimum she could have walked away, and while some other white woman could have taken it her hands would’ve been clean. She could have even stood up and said to Derrickson “I’m not taking it because of x,y,z you should realize what you’re doing is

Not necessarily. My point is that there were several choices here, including not making the movie. Acting like the filmmaking team was caught between a rock and a hard place is silly.

No, she took a whitewashed role of her own free will. She is responsible for the consequences.

My dad has that. Only started getting it treated two years ago, but before that we couldn’t take him anywhere! No movies, no concerts-even during my school plays I would get nervous.

Wait, what? Did the fetus steal your blood pressure or something?! How is this a thing?!?!

I was about to be mad....but then I saw what u did there.

Has anyone considered they could’ve just *not* made the movie? All the white people are acting as if they had no choice, but it’s not like anyone was holding a gun to the heads of Disney, the writers or the actors demanding they make the film. If the only way to not piss off the Chinese government or be horribly

Google. The public library is also quite nice.

If she read for and accepted the role then yes, she had a hand in casting herself. Actors have agency, and richones can and do tturndown roles all the time.

Neutral for whom?

The Montgomery bus Boycotts worked because it was carefully organized and members of the community all stuck together. It was easier to know and watch out for your neighbor. People would carpool, cook for each other, help with childcare etc. to mitigate the impact of life without public transport.

The entire 2016 needs to be invalidated. This is bullshit.

It’s the yiddish usage, which is a cognate of the German mensch. I’d actually never thought about it being similar to the German word until you pointed it out.

There should be a talk show where celebs teach you about their other expertises. You’d have an episode where William H. Macey and Nick Offerman show you how to woodwork, and then Mayim Biyalik would give you some cool neuroscience facts for your everyday life, and Denzel would show you how to swing a lasso.
