
Or, alternately, “The 8 onliest games for the Nintendo Switch”

Sounds a little too much like “pay for edge” to me, or “pay for features that could have been there from the start”. I dunno, these sound like features that, on PlayStation or Xbox, would come in a free patch, not paid DLC.

yeah but it’s the same menu, the same music, the same presentation, the same everything. I knew what I was getting, like I said, but it is still jarring to see how much they didn’t change for $60. Few companies are that brazen.

Having the Wii U version, I felt massive buyers remorse as soon as I turned this thing on, and found everything is the exact same save Battle Mode.

Because, as always, Nintendo has no idea what the fuck they’re doing.

Literally WHY. The Switch is on track to replace Nintendo’s handheld line, yet Nintendo seems to want to keep the DS brand alive for... reasons.

I don’t play overwatch to work, I do that all day. I play overwatch to have fun and it just so happens that I find Hanzo to be a lot of fun. If it pisses anyone off, complain to Blizzard and petition to have him removed. Otherwise, I don’t particularly care. If you feel we need a tank, pick a tank. If you feel we need

And that’s a feat considering the Switch and the PS4 are nothing alike in size and portability. You’d think with mobile being seven digits huge in 2012, Sony would have trouble moving all those units, but for our demographic that’s nothing. At a certain point I was considering a Switch over a PS4, but I picked the

Ground breaking WW2 gameplay.

I think for such an insane speedrun, people should be allowed to take a good break for sleep, pause the clock, and resume it once they go in again fresh.

While Lego City Undercover might not be the most demanding game,

“for starters, the story is good (like, really good?) and once it gets going, it’s hard not to want to know what happens next.”

I just started playing HZD last Sunday, and I have been enjoying it immensely.

...my wife often foregoes playing Breath of the Wild because she wants to see what happens next, which is something of a ringing endorsement in and of itself (she’ll probably do her own playthrough, but we enjoy watching each other play

What, the Switch?

This is such a money grab move. Not shocked since Nintendo is a massive fan of nearly endless accessories and color variations.

nice. now they just need to release some new games i want to try.

It might be good or mediocre, but it’s what some people wanted.

You know what is the biggest ball buster. Getting dup gold skin. They give you 200 gold coins instead of 500 like a treasure box. I’ve gotten 6 D.Va lunar new year skin.

I own the game already. If I want to play it on my phone, I will.

I have to say, Trump is making my arguments with my Republican co-workers so fucking easy these days. They can’t respond to half the stuff I point out.