Robert Sydenstricker

Tell this to my brother, who is 18 months younger than me but whose only run-ins with the wrong side of authority figures came as he went through school and had to convince still-in-therapy teachers that “I’m Roger and Debbie’s good kid.” The firstborn was the little juvenile delinquent.

lol...If you’d asked my parents about this when I was in HS, they would’ve whole heartedly agreed, probably adding “THAT explains it!” But today, this 2nd born middle child is the ONLY one of the three supporting and taking care of them, and they’d probably boast their 2nd born is the one with her priorities straight.

No offense, but this seems really shady compared to other reputable options that are out there. Just google “Best VPN” and you’ll quickly find many options that have both free and inexpensive tiers of usage. Please remember that the entire point of VPN’ing your connection to hide data from ISP’s isn’t to route that