We have the details on how often, what type, and with how many people.
We have the details on how often, what type, and with how many people.
The first step for aspiring oneironauts is to let your mind know that your dreams really do matter.
My neighbors loved me (they and I are white) until a black family moved in down the street and I started to look after the five kids. GREAT kids! Sure they got a lot of energy (They’re KIDS. Kids have energy out the wahzoo) but they’re super sweet, funny and give me hugs whenever they come over.
What? Do you mean to suggest scientists don’t just stand with a clipboard downtown in the nearest city when they do surveys and instead find a representative sample of the whole population? <MIND BLOWN>
The scientists polled 1,000 people
Around this time last year, my mom passed away. I was in charge of planning her funeral and burial arrangements,…
Tell this to my brother, who is 18 months younger than me but whose only run-ins with the wrong side of authority figures came as he went through school and had to convince still-in-therapy teachers that “I’m Roger and Debbie’s good kid.” The firstborn was the little juvenile delinquent.
lol...If you’d asked my parents about this when I was in HS, they would’ve whole heartedly agreed, probably adding “THAT explains it!” But today, this 2nd born middle child is the ONLY one of the three supporting and taking care of them, and they’d probably boast their 2nd born is the one with her priorities straight.
Most likely, a they had a number of emails that they couldn’t confirm who owned them as multiple people can share the same email, and people can have multiple emails. Similarly, the same thing works for phone numbers.
How hard is it to say, “All of them. We spied on all Americans”?
America’s top intelligence official is reneging on a promise made under the Obama administration to estimate how…
No company, be it a startup or a conglomerate, has a perfect security system. Chipotle’s payment system was hacked,…
When you hand someone your phone to show them a picture, you should be able to trust them not to go swiping through…
Welcome to Lifehacker’s Lucid Dream Workshop. Each week we’ll learn a little more about the mysterious realm of…
If you’re afraid of being shot, you’re not alone, and your fears are, unfortunately, justified. Guns kill almost 100…
Yesterday, The New York Times went deep into some of Uber’s shady business practices. In the article, one small…
If you’re running Google Chrome 57 or above, it turns out there’s a hidden dark mode. Reddit user _paul- found the…
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a great way to add security to your browsing while also preventing snoopers (inclu…
The world can be a dangerous place, especially for careless travelers. The U.S. State Department does its best to ale…
One trick you may or may not have picked up about Gmail is that you can add in periods anywhere in the front part of…