Robert Sydenstricker

Do what ever gets attention from the ladies, duh. LOLOLOL 😉

Do what ever gets attention from the ladies, duh. LOLOLOL 😉

Right ‘the fuck’ on. 👍 👍 LOL

Right ‘the fuck’ on. 👍 👍 LOL

I can’t believe people could be so dumb as to not realize that “buying” is the antithesis of the trendy ideal that they aspire to emulate. O.o

Exactly, one of the things that is nice about not having to do the dishes after cooking a meal is that, you (the cook), are free to continue to relax after you’re finished with your meal. The people (who aren’t the cook) had plenty of time to relax before the meal. Afterwards, for anyone who did not cook, it’s time to

In my experience, if I pick the aisle with only one person in front of me it doesn’t matter how many items they have in their cart. It almost always takes longer than if I had chosen the aisle with three or four people in line. But that’s just my misfortune, I guess. :(

The chart above is bogus in that it designates a range of minimum to maximum. When in reality the minimum should be viewed as the max with the minimum obviously set at zero. Personally, I’m even more strict than that. I like to drive when I go on trips which is usually out west where there is much more wilderness to