
NASA answering to the GI Joe cartoon version of NASA seems like an inefficiency.

Notorious narcissistic liar claims something dubious and highly unlikely in obvious bid for additional attention.

So many decapitators. 

You are entitled to your opinion but understand that’s all it is. You’re not going to win a poll with that opinion. I agree FFVII is overrated, as my comment pretty strongly suggests.

I maintain that the Final Fantasy series has not struggled by failing to keep up with trends, or by trying to set them. It’s struggled by not being true to itself. Unlike DragonQuest, which has no presumptions about what it is and what it isn’t; Insular and quirky to a fault. It’s beloved and successful. It’s a

Nintendo of America doesn’t have anything approaching a “wholesome” image. That company oozes christofascism.

They haven’t released on console only because they’re not done. They’re all essentially early-access with current owners paying to beta test. Game-breaking bugs still exist in FFV and FFVI at least and focusing on Steam/Mobile is the cheapest, lowest-barrier platform to iron everything out before converting the entire

I assure you everyone actually working on Unity wants to kick this man square in the nuts. I think he’s hated more there then he was at Electronic Arts. He’s the antithesis of everything the company stood for before he was brought in expressly to ruin everything.

The headline confused me. I would have a much more expensive PC if I was that rich. Then the first line mentioning that it was given to him by someone much less rich brought it right into focus.

Okay sometime on or after July 14, point a telescope somewhere at the sky. Got it.


Sue his ass Pokemon Company!


On the one hand, they could have just not done such a shit job with it. On the other hand, nobody wants a GTA4 remaster. Nobody. Literally zero reason for it to exist.

Feels like a significant institutional issue if such a minor and predictable human error can have such major consequences. Why is entering a 2 digit price even possible? Why is there no pop-up asking “Are you sure you want to charge this insanely low price for your gas?” followed by “Less than a dollar per gallon? Are

I have no idea who this person is and to me and the vast majority of the audience, it was just some random Jedi. Sorry to ruin your day.

If you’re going to walk out of a crappy job and bring the entire staff with you, don’t lock the doors behind you. Just leave. C’mon!

Another shooter huh? Fine.. I'm not gonna say no.

The NASA budget is teeeeeensy. You need to be looking at military and police reductions. They’re genuine causes of problems and tremendous wastes of money.. and you wanna talk about risk? They kill THOUSANDS a year.

And they don’t come up with any cool technology along the way. They get all of it from aerospace.

I’m sure there are more accurate verbs to apply here than “walking”. That ain’t it folks. It’s just jiggling.