
It’s all going to be out eventually and will still be binge-able at that point. You’re just advocating that the most excited people be gated arbitrarily.

These remakes aren't canon and change nothing.

Hard disagree with the rating. Syndicate is super mid. Totally mediocre.

I bought KH 2.875 Remixation ReComplex Compilatory Extravaganza on EGS and immediately regretted it when my controller wasn't supported. I've been actively cheering its demise ever since so KH3 will come to Steam.

I’m down to just Netflix at this point and we get solid use out of that. My only video game sub is Final Fantasy XIV which is currently month-to-month. I only sub to video services for a single month when something pops up I want to watch. I just have to wait until the full run is available for binging. I think I’ll

Yeah. I’d argue it’s already started and community is really feeling it. The content of the next two patches should have been included in the last two patches leading up to a December release of 7.0.

I’d bet the announcement of the next FFXIV expansion being next summer also had a significant impact on stock price. It is already way overdue. That game is going to bleed players over the next 10 months.

Just straight facts.

I had completely forgotten about that.

At least it's got stunning designed. I'm certainly stunned.

My suspicion is that the Elden Ring audience is a subset of the Zelda audience. I think most Elden Ring fans like Zelda. I don’t think it goes the other way. I love every Zelda game but have no interest in Elden Ring. I could be the outlier and I’m fine with that but I’m genuinely curious.

I’d love to see an accurate Venn diagram showing the overlap of the Zelda and Elden Ring audiences.

LittleBigPlanet says hi. The omni-prior-art on basically all game mechanics lol

Shades of LocoRoco in there too.

Oh sweet Jesus what a monstrosity. 

You should definitely demand your own copies for archival purposes when you farm out your IP like that.

9 Final Fantasies.

Was thinking the same. This is not particularly noteworthy.

That’s a really cool fossil.

I'm not gonna lie. You people are weird.