
I feel like Sora is an obvious addition, regardless of the number of sword characters. His whole aesthetic and move set is perfectly in line with the series. Possibly more so than any other sword character other than Link (who has too many incarnations.) Also there are a lot of Keyblades and there’s potential to use

Did Final Fantasy XV pioneer this genre?

Now add Champion's Ballad.

Settlement is a fine. A fine is a price.

Well now this is embarrassing. Encouraged by these comments, I cleared up some SSD space, redownloaded the game and updated my graphic drivers for good measure... and.. yeah it seems to be running pretty damn good now. Still a long load time and some jarring texture/QoD popping which may be due to the default graphics

Me too. I consider PC ports important for preservation.

I just thought it was a rock. Still do if I’m being honest. They found a rock in the dirt. 

Without a doubt. Tony was in the spotlight his entire life and Strange was probably badmouthing him on TV while studying for the MCAT. 

Yeah, I wouldn’t believe that Stephen Strange didn’t already consider Tony Stark to be a douchebag prior to meeting him, regardless of the Iron Man history.

I really enjoyed Pendleton Ward’s Amnesia Prototype from a few years ago. Very surreal and off-putting but funny and charming.

I’m not telling anyone how to feel about Force Awakens, only how I feel about it.

Obviously very little to go on here, but it looks very similar to the first movie in the way Force Awakens was very similar to the first Star Wars. And I think Force Awakens is crap.. so.. not sure it’s a great template to replicate.

You can’t just pick two turtles, man. That’s just not right.

Other people’s more egregious delinquency doesn’t really absolve them of their own.

This feels far too casual to be real. “Oh hey rando from the crowd, what’s on your mind today? GTA 6? That’s weird and irrelevant. Let’s rap about it a bit on camera for a couple minutes..”

If the window is so large, they should endeavour to get rid of it just for practice.

Interesting. Exact same thing happened to my brother on FFXIV a long time ago with an older EVGA card. Would frequently black screen and kill FPS until restart. Before long it just died.

Nah it's fine. Aside from it being easily circumvented if you actually care for whatever reason, there's too much idling in the game anyway. People clogging up market boards and summoning bells. Overcrowding the aetherytes. It's unnecessary, especially if it's hindering the experience for people who aren't afk.

Functionally identical from the outside but man, oh man is it so much dumber. Also an indictment of the intelligence of the FIFA community.

Was that him? That's funny