I’m just going to wait until someone posts something clever and then claim it as my own without attribution.
I’m just going to wait until someone posts something clever and then claim it as my own without attribution.
It’s like if 2002 Maddox stripped away any semblance of irony and 2005 Simmons maxed out the Sports Bro persona to run a sports blog together in 2019.
A Magary is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he gets out of intensive care.
He was Drew the Gray. After his battle with (the Balrog? for all we know) we believed him gone forever, but he has returned as Drew the White to help us destroy Sauron.
I’m such a Deadspin fanboy that I hate Barstool Sports despite the fact that I’ve never visited their site.
a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.
There’s an old legal saw that if the facts are on your side, but the law is not, you emphasize the facts. And if the law is on your side, but the facts are not, you emphasize the law.
I bet the Cavs are lookin pretty darn good about now.
I mean, this means more mayonnaise for me. (And weirdly, as a mayo lover, I feel like the haters yell much louder.) But holy crap, this this this:
+1 the real pompeii
Somewhere, Darren Rovell is nodding in approval.
If you keep taking him for granted, he’s liable to walk off into the sunset and inevitably fall off the face of the Earth.
So, this is a good article, and it raises some interesting points for thought that I - even as a pretty involved fan - had yet to consider. I valued the insight!
I’m not advocating for the NCAA as it currently is, but maybe the dude rocking a polo with (what looks like) a tux jacket could have stood a little more education.
In Soviet Russia, Wang touches you
The argument against celebrations used to be it was a delay of game. But now that they take a commercial break after every score, not to mention the officials have to review that it was in fact a score, the players could technically perform a skit for 3 minutes without affecting anything.
it’s been a gas