
I’m a Yankees fan. I used to hate A-Rod, but the way that the Yankees have treated him makes him somehow sympathetic. I hope he wins the MVP and flips off Cashman on his way out of town.

Glad to see his son choosing not to follow in his father’s footsteps by learning how to read and write.

in an ironic turn of events, the police union is now demanding an “independent prosecutor”

Neither would his teammates, apparently.

“Peter King showed at an early age what it takes to be a great NFL reporter.”

No, I don’t think they were. They are both dead, though.



“Oh, of course they have an app for that now.”

14 mpg for 1500 hp sounds good, compared to the 90s, when cars with 105 hp got 13 mpg.

16 Working Valves

The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...

Naiévété? How paéssé.

Out of respect for Tim Tebow, the Philadelphia Eagles ask that NFL journalists refrain from prematurely reporting picks.

I see he went for the “domestic sampler kit”.

Whoa Stephen A. Smith comments on Jalopnik!