If you’ve got a better idea for a quick schvitz...
If you’ve got a better idea for a quick schvitz...
I gotta admit, the framerate issues are an odd thing to have in such a simple game.
This actually does look pretty good, but I can’t. I just can’t do Ryan Murphy schlock anymore. I watched like six seasons of Nip Tuck with a girlfriend eight years ago and I still want to jam an ice pick in my ear. Good thing he only has like thirty shows all somehow doing three seasons a year now.
Wait, when did Dusty Baker retire?
The target is Cristiano Ronaldo, a foppish footballer and subject of the realest statue ever made. Ronaldo’s known for his hasty exits from, shall we say curious, situations, but this time he’s left a member of the consortium in the lurch. Neutralize Ronaldo and steal the files in his attorney’s valise without…
Loathing of this word is America’s fan death.
Who knows. Maybe Disney trying to fuck with Frinkiac will be the thing that finally brings us all together to destroy them.
I see these update stories every couple of weeks, but I never experience any of these issues. The closest I came was when my network adapter started coming up missing, but that turned out to be a motherboard/bios issue. Are these things maybe happening, but not in a way that I would notice?
I’ve seen far too many of these people turn out to be loons to applaud this. Dude in my old neighborhood would sit out front and have a rage stroke if you went the speed limit because of course he literally wanted everyone to go 10 mph in a 25 mph zone. Posted big ass signs right up to the road edge so cyclists had to…
Clown ass gritty Aladdin reboot costume.
Chocodiles x 5
Kobe fans are like those weird bald people that worship the atomic bomb in Beneath the Planet of the Apes, but somehow more nuts.
An interesting and thoroughly exhausting read. I’m only getting more tired as I imagine the “not all influencers” pieces being written right now. Also, the bit about the airline cancelling flights due to wind and not re-booking passengers is suspect.
Anything but another Jared Leto Joker. *monkey’s paw closes a finger and Timothy Chalamet appears in Joker makeup smoking a clove and calling his step-dad Doug a “local”* Goddammit.
The “Classic Jeff” is either a variation of a bowl cut or a masturbation technique that’s essentially reverse cowgirl with your hand. There’s simply nothing else it can be.
I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, but 2K and Gearbox have been unloading clip after clip into their own foot and I just can’t understand why. I mean other than the usual issue of misguided power oafs being unable to change course.
Just sitting here wondering what the tube would look like from the outside following a critical failure event. Obviously the inside would be raspberry jam. Also, using a square tube for vacuum? Uuuhhhhhhhhhhh