Kragen O'Reilly of the Autozone

Van Wieren was great, but I think it was also similar to the Cubs’ situation. TBS and WGN were some of those first local affiliate-esque stations to be national, so all of a sudden dorks like me in northern northern CA were listening to Steve Stone say “Jose Vizcaino” in the Steve Stone-est way imaginable or wondering

Holy shit, this one is so real. Ron Gant seemed unstoppable and every show on the station started at 5 after for some reason. Also, Movies for Guys Who Like Movies playing Roadhouse on repeat for years.

Bobby Bonilla. I memorized a shitload of bible verses to win my childrens’ church indoctrination competition so I could go to Susanville and get a mint Bobby Bonilla rookie card. Like any kid with Corn Flakes for a brain I was convinced that Bonilla was the Pirates’ TRUE killer bee. Every Bonds dong from those days